~The Demon Realm~

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It was quiet in the mansion, Lucifer's arms were wrapped around Bill's waist, both their eyes were open, Demons usually didn't need rest.
They could hear dulled out music coming from downstairs, but that didn't bother them, Lucifer always had uncontrollable parties going on.
Bill remembered his own words, "A never-ending party!", he sighed, that, that was fun, this wasn't.
The harsh ache in his hips wasn't fun.
The grip around his sore waist wasn't fun
The music sounding in his ears wasn't fun.
Nothing was fun anymore.
"Do you want to go down? It'll be fun, my perfect little demon." Lucifer's deep voice sounded in Bill's pointed ear.
"Actually, I'd rather not.... I'll get a headache.... go to your friends Lucifer, I know your going to ditch me as soon as I manage the stairs." Spoke Bill hoarsely.
A grin sliced across Lucifer's face, "No, come with me, it nice you know me so well but I promise not to ditch you."
"Demons don't keep promises, they just about manage deals." Growled Bill.
Lucifer seemed to roll his eyes, but then again no one can tell, his eyes are plain red, he clicked his thumb and index together.

Bill found himself in a yellow poncho that on lay a pyramid design, white jeans practically burning his sore hips, and converse on, the one on his left foot was black the other was yellow, a bow tie loosely tied on his neck and his signature top hat floating above his messy, silky, liquid gold hair.

Lucifer, himself, had his raven black hair tussled, a black tank top covering his chest and a pair of white knee length shorts, tattered in some places, and stark black vans, he was so plain it was hard to describe him, his horns however were no where near as missable as Bill's own, they grew from just above but behind his ears and twisted into the sky about five inches in height.

The Devil chuckled, grabbing his creation- bridal style- his creation wore a surprised face only growing more surprised when the man picked him up. Before Bill could even begin to open his mouth, the fallen angel ran for the door, out it, then down the rails of the stair, Bill (who did scream, I admit) jumped from Lucifer's arms, trying to run back up the stairs, only for his own body the stop him.

He fell, and laid there.
"Bill, get up."
Bill, however, flipped the lord of Hell himself the bird, "Middle Fingers Up! I Don't Give A Fuck!" Screeched the lower class demon, much to the amusement of the other demon's but dissatisfaction to Lucifer.
Lucifer sighed, picking up the small demon, whom didn't seem happy about it but had nothing to say out of fear, he knew he had gained a punishment when he flipped him the bird, and he didn't want to worsen his punishment.

Lucifer placed the frail demon on an armchair, and almost immediately a glass of purple liquid, time punch, was placed in Bill's hand, he stared at it in disgust, he never really liked the stuff.
Lucifer chuckles, "Would you rather something stronger?" The Devil asked.
"Please." Bill says, still very much disgusted. And the liquid turns red, much to Bill's delight as he immediately drank it, and grinned a grin that would put the Cheshire Cat to shame.
"I know I said I wouldn't, but I'm just gon-"
"Liiiiiiiies, you spew them! Anyway~! Do go, I don't want you." Laughed Bill, he quite enjoyed being drunk and got drunk very easily, the sharp tasting liquid drowned him, taking him away from the terror that is reality.
Lucifer was gone as soon as Bill said go and as soon as Lucifer was gone another demon was on the small demon.
"Hi there~" She sang, "Care for a dance?"
Bill looked at her the immediately recognised her, of course she wouldn't recognise him as she'd only ever seen him in his original form, "Good evening ,Pyronica." The demon barked, howling with laughter.
The she-demon stared for a while before she realised, "BILL!?!?" She screeched.
"Yeah, the one and only." Bill chuckled, "Look at my, Py-ry! Look how far I've fallen!"
Pyronica frowned, it was awful to see such a great leader like this, drunk of his mind from two sips of that red alcohol, she knew exactly what was going on inside his head, she could tell as soon as she realised it was Bill and he was drinking. Unlike what people thought the two demons had been friends for a while, and Pyronica, one whom wore her feelings on her face, could see other's feelings on their sleeves no matter how well one could hide those feelings, and Bill, well Bill, he hid his feelings well, no one could tell unless they saw him cry, and a demon such as he, does not cry often.

Bill hid his feelings with liquor from what Pyronica could tell, when feelings flooded into that blackened heart of his, he would mix the water with rich wines and tainted whiskeys.
But as the rampage happy drunk he was, no one would know... Or so he thought.
Pyronica knew, and she would help Bill.

But Bill, as of right now, could only see Pyronica right now, her human form, her shiny magenta locks that covered her right eye, and the flamboyant mini dress of hot pink she loved, he thigh high socks of white fire and the fore arm length gloves of white fire she adored, those hot pink stilettos Bill had once given her as an anniversary of their friendship, she seemed to cherish them, as to the day, they still shined as if brand new.

Bill's heart seemed to be a door, and the more one knocked, the more cracks they would make, they
would hurt the demon, they would hurt him so, so he felt a need to rid the world of anything that could knock on that door but Pyronica..... and perhaps Lucifer, but he seemed to be prying the door open with a crowbar.

It was only hurting Bill, whom had more cracks in his heart then he could count, and as a all knowing being that's quite odd.

And suddenly, Pyronica didn't like her ruler anymore.

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