Chapter 2

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1 Month Later......

I sat in the livingroom when I heard a knock on my door. I got up and looked through the peep hole to see one of the members from the Dragon Council. Rolling my eyes, I opened the door.

Me: What do you want now Bryan?

The man with brown hair looked at me smirking, his golden wings flapped harsh.

Bryan: Now, now Jenni. Is that anyway to treat an old friend?

Me: You're not my friend, so lets cut the small talk, why are you here?

Bryan: The Dragon Council has a mission for you and Nema.

Me: ...........

Bryan: Tomorrow you are to infiltrate a group of people called Team Rocket.

I looked at him and snickered at the mission.

Me: Team Rocket? You mean from the world of pokemon?

Bryan: Yes. You are to Team up with the Pokemon G-men, get certain information about a Red Gyradose, and then get the hell out of there.

Me: ......... And Nema?

Bryan: Her part comes later.

Me: So help me Bryan, if she gets hurt I'll-

Bryan: You'll what? Hurt me? You may be the Dragon Empress, but I am from the Council. Not even you can touch me.

Glaring at him, I flapped my wings dangerously as lightning hit where he was standing.

Bryan: !!!

Me: I don't care who you are, or who you work for. If anyone I care about gets hurt, you're gonna have to deal with me!

His eyes widen at my response as I slammed the door in his face.

Nema: Hey Empress...... Um...... Are you alright?

Me: Yes, why?

Nema: Your hair is on fire......

Looking in the mirror to my left, the tips of my hair were in flames. I took several deep breaths until they faded.

Nema: What's the matter? And who was that at the door?

Me: That was Bryan. 

Her eyes looked at me with tension, her green wings poped out in anger.

Nema: What did *he* want?

Me: Well, we have a mission.

Informing her about what the mission was, she nodded her head and left to go train for tomorrow so she can come with me. I sat back on the couch thinking about what Bryan had said, "Her part comes later". If "her part" involves her getting seriously injured, I'm gonna kill Bryan....

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