Chapter 8

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It was almost nine. I stood outside the house waiting for Lance to pick me up in a red silk dress, and matching flats. I would've worn high heels, but I kind of don't like high heels. I only wear them at the kingdom cause I'm forced. When I told my sisters' they were so excited, especially Scarlet, why I really didn't know.

Lance: Empress!

I smiled as Lance walked up to the front porch, a friendly smile on his face and flowers in his hands.

Me: You know my name is Jennifer, right?

Lance: Yeah but I just do it out of respect.

We both smiled as he handed me the flowers, I smelled the flowers. The scent was sweet and damp, little beads of water shone on the petals of the flowers.

Me: Just please, call me Jenny.

Lance: Alright....... Wow, you look beautiful.

Me: Thanks, and you look handsome.

I giggled as he blushed and turned away, I never seen him so nervous before. 

Me: So where are we going?

Lance: Well, its kind of a surprise.

Me: Okay, that's cool.

Lance: Lets go.

He held my hand as we walked away from the house. I looked back at the window to see my sisters waving good bye to me, I rolled my eyes and giggled. Lance looked at me and smirked.

Lance: What?

Me: Oh, nothing.

It was silent, for half the way. I tried to think of something to talk about so I could break it.

Me: So...... where is the place you're taking me located at?

Lance: Black Thorn City.

Me: Oh I love that place!

Lance: *smiles* Really?

Me: Yeah.... I used to go there all the time.

Lance: Oh so you've been here before?

Me: Yes.....

Lance: And, you never answered my question before.

Me: ??

Lance: Have we met some where before?

Me: Yes we have.

Lance: Where?

Me: Pokemon Leauge, I was that little girl with a very powerful Typhlosin named KILLER.

Lance: That was you?!!

Me: Yeah. Ever heard of the girl that traveled around the world and defeated each champion with ease?

Lance: THAT WAS YOU?!!

I nodded my head as Lance just stared. He looked kinda impressed.

Lance: What is your secret?

Me: *shrugs* I really don't know.

Lance: Wow......... What else do you do?

Me: Can't tell, classified by D. C. rule.

Lance: Oh, are you famous in other worlds?

Me: Oh yeah, but I don't like it that much....

Lance: Why?

Me: Well being famous is cool and all, but, I don't know...... I just like to be alone a lot and it's kind of hard when-

Lance: You have fans staring at you and following you every moment of the day.

Me: Yes. But other than that, its kinda cool.

Lance: Yeah.....

At Black Thorn City.......

Lance: Okay, its over the lake behind my cousins' gym.

Me: *smiles* Dragons Den?

Lance: Yep.

We crossed the lake and went into Dragons Den, it was amazing. Nothing had changed, every little traditional design the place had was still there. I looked into the water to see the little Dratini's playing with each other in the water. I always wanted a Dratini. That was the only pokemon I needed to complete the pokedex. Lance took me across the water, through the whirl pools and in to Dragons Shrine.

Lance: This is the place.

Me: Whoa...

The Shrine had that ancient look to it as if it had been around for ages. Torches glowed from the walls giving it the cool eerie feeling I loved so much, and the room itself was lined up with rows of dragon statues. "The Dragon Tamers pride" as I called it for some reason. Old memories played through my mind of the times I trained in this very room with the Elder himself. I remembered all the times I was about to give up, he always pushed me to keep going and do better. That's what I've been doing ever since.

Lance: Like it?

Me: Yes, I do. *smiles*

From that point on, the date went great. We talked about how the Elder would train young kids to become Dragon Tamers, and how I became world champion. It was really fun, I never encountered at person that was so interested about my past before. I couldn't help but smile the whole time. He even cooked dinner for me, my favorite: Italian Pasta and bread sticks, I didn't know he can cook, I was really impressed. We also danced to a couple of songs on the radio, it was funny when he bumped into the wall and accidentally turned off the radio. Both of us sat on the floor after that and just hugged one another.

Lance: Hey.

Me: Hm?

He handed me a pokeball with a Dratini inside. My eyes lighted up and I hugged him even more.

Me: How did you know?

Lance: Well, since you're part dragon, I kinda figured that....... You know....

Me: Thank you.

Lance: You're welcome.

I put the pokeball carefully inside my bag and checked the time.

Me: It's late, I should be going home.

Lance: Yeah, I'll walk you back. Let's go.

We walked out of Dragons Den holding hands all the way to my house.

At Home.......

Walking back up the porch, I looked at him with a smile and let go of his hand.

Me: I had fun...

Lance: Yeah, me to...

We both looked down for a long moment as if we were both shy, then unexpectedly, Lance moved in to kiss me gently. I kissed back as he held both of my hands breaking the kiss. He rested his hand on my cheek and whispered softly.

Lance: Good night beautiful.

Me: Good night handsome.

He kissed me one more time before walking away. I watched him until he wasn't in my sight, going into my house to face my excited sisters. 

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