Chapter 7

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It's been a month since I saw Lance, and for some reason, I'm going crazy. If I'm not dreaming about him, I'm thinking about him. I don't know what the hell is going on. I never....... Really felt this way before..... It's not a bad feeling, but then again, it's not good either..... I've been on the couch thinking about it for at least twenty minutes already.

Nema: Sister, are you okay?

Me: Hm?

Nema: I asked if you were okay?

Me: Oh yes, yes I am fine.

I closed my eyes and rested my arms on the back of my head, crossing my legs. I could feel her gaze burning through me, then I started to feel weird. Like a vibe in my head..... I snapped open my eyes and glared at her.

Me: Will you stop that!

Nema: Well you won't tell me whats wrong so, reading your mind was the best I can come up with.

Me: Don't . Read. My. Mind.

The tips of my hair started to go on flames as she slowly backed up. I calmed down and sighed frustrated sitting back on the couch with my arms crossed over my chest and eyes closed.

Me: Sorry Nema I just....... Have a lot on my mind right now.

Nema: It's okay, whats troubling you?

Me: I don't want to talk about it now.

Nema: And why may I ask?

Me: Because we have a bunch of nosey siblings.

Nema: Huh?

My eyes opened and looked at the door way, Nema looked as well.

Me: Okay you three, come on out.

The door opened and Alice, Scar, and Mavis came out. They slowly entered the room nervously, their eyes locked on me.

Me: Damn don't be so scared! I'm your sister, I protect you.

Mavis: We know you love us, it's just that-

Scarlet: Sometimes you get to be angry and get..... Well-

Alice: Out of control.

Me: Mmmm........... I understand that.

Alice: So about that problem?

Me: Don't bother, I just don't know how to explain it.

Mavis: You've been like this since you came home from the mission. Does this have anything to do with that red head, what was his name? Lance?

My cheeks burned like a flame, my stomach knotted up into a ball, and I felt dizzy. I eyed all of my sisters, who exchanged glances and smiles. I just sat there wanting to disappear.

Scarlet: We know what your problem is.

Me: What is it?

Mavis: You're in love duh.

Me: What, me in love? Nah, I don't think so.

Nema: Don't deny it Jennifer, every time his name is mentioned you do not act like yourself.

Me: I-I............

Alice: Guys damn, give her some space. You're all up on her, take a chill pill.

Noticing how close they were to me, they backed off and gave me some air to breath. _This is my chance_. I got up and walked out of the room.

Scarlet: Where are you going?

Me: For a walk.

Before they can ask me anymore questions, I headed out the door. The cool summer breeze swept over me like a cool blanket, the glowing sunset that shone down on me kind of relaxed me a little bit. I took my time walking once I reached the park. There wasn't any kids around, so I usually come here at evening. I always wondered what having a baby was like. I've seen mothers with new born babies in a hospital every time I went there to heal wounds I couldn't heal myself. I remember this one women who had just gave birth to her third child said, "Of course it's scary at first. Everyone is scared the first time when they have a kid. But when you see them for the first time, you instantly fall in love with it. You would do everything and anything for it, and love them forever. You'll understand when you are old enough to have children of your own." I remember silently laughing at the women. I am immortal, I am 15 for eternity. But then again, she was not aware of my true form at the time. Shaking the thought from my mind, I walked passed the fountains, and walked up the steps that looked over the entire park. _It's getting dark_..........

Lance: Empress!

I looked behind me to see Lance, I couldn't believe it. He flew down on his Dragonite, cape fluttering in the wind. Smiling, I ran over to him and hugged him firmly, he laughed and returned the hug.

Me: Lance, how did you-?

Lance: It wasn't easy, I can tell you that much.

Me: Yeah, well if finding me was difficult, then I know my sisters are safe.

Lance: How come?

Me: There are people who don't like me and........ Forget it. Why are you here?

Lance: To ask you something I didn't get a chance to ask you on our mission.

Me: Which is?

Lance: Uh...... I-I um......

He blushed and ran his finger through his hair, I just stood there trying to keep my cool. Lance was obviously trying to do the same, but was failing.

Me: Lance, spit it out bro!

Lance: Would you like to go on a date with me?

If my face could turn any redder, it would've. I had that sudden memory of a funny video I saw on YouTube once, something happened and all of a sudden the words, "oh shit" echoed. This is the perfect way to describe this moment.

Lance: Um, are you okay?

Me: Uhhh y-yeah sorry. Um, yes I would like to go on a date with you.

Lance: Really?

Me: Yes.

Lance: C-cool, can I pick you up tomorrow night around nine?

Me: O-okay, sure......

He smiled and hugged me happily, I just blushed and returned the hug. We said our good byes as he left. Once he did, I ran home to tell my sisters what happened.

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