Chapter 5

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The Mission (part 2)

Lance pulled the car over while Misty and Brock helped Ash in, followed by pikachu. Once every body was in we took off again.

Me: Ash are you okay?

Ash: Y-yeah...... That Gyradose is really angry.

Lance: I know, how are we gonna stop it?

Me: By stoping it.

I opened the window and jumped out.

Lance: Empress don't!

Lance hit the breaks and sat there looking worried.

Me: It's okay Lance, I do more dangerous stuff then this every day.

Flying infront of the rampaging Gyradose, our eyes met. I extended my arm out to it, and clenched my fist. This one of the many talents my kind has: Mind Calm. Calms down anyone, or thing from anger or just plain sadness. This power is helpful for this situation.

Me: Listen to my voice. You are okay, you are calm and mean no harm. Go back to the lake of rage. Hurry, before they come and get you!

Once the Gyradose left, I flew back to the ground. Lance was staring at me in amazement.

Lance: Whoa.... You're really brave and-

Another van pulled up besides ours. A man came out, he looked serious. I know this one to.

Sebastian: You goons are gonna pay for messing with Team Rocket!

Me: *growls* You're the goons!

Getting ready to charge at him, Lance put his arms around me and held me back as Executive Sebastian called out his two Fearows.

Lance: Don't let me.

Me: ........ Fine......

Lance: Go Dragonite!

The dragon flew making a huge gust of dirt fly every where, landing in front of Lance.

Lance: Dragonite use wing attack!

A gruesome battle broke out. Two against one, it wasn't fair. But then again, these guys always play dirty. Lost in thought, the two bird pokemon attacked me.

Lance: Empress!

Me: !!!!

Hitting the floor, I was knocked out cold. All I could hear before I blacked out was Lance's shouts of concern.

Sebastian: Fearows, kill her!

Lance: No! Dragonite block it!

That's all I heard and remembered.

Some time Later.......

Ash: She's coming to!

I opened my eyes, it was sun set. _Damn how long was I out?_ I tried to sit up on my own but a wave of pain covered my body, Lance helped me sit up slowly.

Lance: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah I-

Our hands were on each others hip, our eyes met, face was close. I forced myself up.

Me: Yes I am, listen it's getting late. I had fun, the most fun in years. It's nice to finally find a friend I can trust.

Lance: What do you mean?

Me: Every friend I ever had either got killed on missions, or back stabbed me later in time when they got to know me........... I have to go now.

Lance: But-

Me: Well, farewell everyone. Until we meet again!

I whipped out my wings a flew home, there was a look on Lance's face.... He looked upset, angry it seemed, at himself. What his problem is, I think I'm better off not knowing.

Objective: Complete

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