Chapter 4

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Mission Day (part 1)

Objective: Infiltrate Team Rocket HQ

Me: Yo red head!

Lance looked at me and waved, his Dragonite by his side.

Lance: Hey, are you ready?

Me: Yeah..... Where's Nema?

Lance: Who?

Me: Oh, nothing....

_she was supposed to be here for the mission, where the hell is she?_

Lance: You alright?

Me: I said it's nothing, let's just complete the mission.

Lance: Alright, we have to go to the Lake of Rage. A few memebers have pin pointed a hide out of Team Rocket HQ. We have to go in, and investigate a rumor of a red Gyradose.

Me: Hm... Let's go.

I began to walk as the breeze picked up, I adjusted the belt that held my partners.

Lance: Do you even know where the Lake of Rage is?

Me: Yes.

Lance: Alrighty then..... *clears throat* let's go.

Me: Okay.

He got onto his Dragonite and took off, I followed while looking around to see if I can spot my sister. _where is she?_

At the Lake of Rage.....

Lance: Look, there they are.

There was a lot of men and women in black suites with a big red R in the front. They were loading boats with packages getting ready to set sail. Then there was a huge roar.

Me: Lance, look.

Lance: !!!

I couldn't actually believe it, a red Gyradose. I could tell it was upset, it looked in pain as a group of the Rocket members tried to capture it. Luckily it didn't work, but it went off on a rampage.

Me: Shit, what now? That thing is gonna hurt someone or destroy something.

Lance: Don't worry Empress, I have a plan.

Me: Okay, what is it?

Lance: Okay here's what were gonna do.

Explaining his plan while we snuck into the loading dock, he poked his head out of the entrance, a member of Team Rocket comin our way.

Lance: We go undercover.

He attacked the member and pulled him into the box room. I tied him up while Lance changed into his clothing. The member looked at me in surprise. He used to be a old friend of mine, Justin.

Me: *sighs* I'm sorry Justin. This is what happens when you get caught up in bad things.

Pushing one of his pressure points he was out cold. Lance came out wearing their uniform, he put on the shades that covered his eyes.

Me: ........ Whoa......

Lance: There's a girls uniform there, go change. I'll keep look out.

Fitting into the uniform was kinda hard considering the fact that I have wings. So I had to make sure they were folded the right way.

Me: I'm ready.

Lance: Okay, let's- whoa.......

I smirked and walked ahead of him, noticing him starting at me, I ignored him.

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