Chapter 3

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The next day Nema and I woke up very earily to get started on the mission. Alice, Mavis, and Scar already knew about it so we just left a note saying that we're heading off. 

Nema: Grab my hand.

When I held it, we teleported to the world of pokemon. A bunch of wild Pidgey flew over our heads. The warm sun shone down making our wings feel warm, and a gentle cooling breeze went through our hair as we began to walk towards a pokemon center.

Nema: Never thought you'd be back here, huh?

Me: Not the slightest.

Nema: Lemme guess, you're gonna go and see your old partner?

Me: Yes, it's been a long time since I saw him

Nema: What's the nickname you gave him again........ Killer, right?

Me: Yes.

We walked into the pokemon center to be greeted by nurse Joy.

Joy: My my, it's been along time since you've been here Nema, you to Champion.

Me: Hello Nurse Joy. How have you been?

Joy: I've been alright lately but........ A couple of days ago these thugs came in and stole a few electrode.

Nema: Electrode? Did they say what for?

Joy: No......

Me: Well Nema, let's get our partners and get to work.

Nema: Alright.

I used my Trainer ID to turn on the PC and withdraw my very first pokemon, Typhlosion, or Killer. Nema got her partner to, Feraligatr and we headed out.

Nema: Empress?

Me: Hm?

Nema: Why did you name your pokemon Killer?

Me: Because since he's a level one hundred, he's very powerful and he usually knocks all his opponents out with his flamethrower.

Nema: Oh......

Me: Alright, come on out Killer!

I threw the pokeball in the air and my partner came out. He looked around for a few moments before looking at me, he happily hugged me.

Me: Hey buddy, long time no see.

Petting his head he smiled excitedly, Nema's phone rang, she picked it up.

Nema: Hello? Oh yes, it's me....... Alright, hold on.

She hung up the phone and turned to me.

Nema: Hey I have to go, there's a emergency in CherryGrove.

Me: Yeah, and I'll go and hunt down the G-men.

Nema: Okay, bye.

As she left, I went into Route 43 with Killer by myside. It felt like forever as the path went on and on my legs got tired so I took a break.

Lance: Hey are you alright?

A man with red hair and a cape stood over me with a look of concern. I remember him, ex- Champion Lance of Kanto. My very first victory.

Me: Yes, I am. 

Lance: Hmmmmmm....... You look familiar. Have we met?

Me: Probably.

Lance: Okay...... Do you need help?

Me: Yeah, I'm looking for the pokemon G-men.

Lance: Why?

Me: I'm interested to join their group. 

My wings flipped out unannounced, causing him to stumble backwards.

Me: And luckily for me, you are a memeber.

Lance: That's...... Kind of creepy. How did you?

Me: Take me to the boss.

Lance: Uhhhh..... Alright......

Looking uneasy, he called for his Dragonite and took me to the Pokemon G-men HQ.

At HQ.......

Boss: Who are you?

I showed him my wings and he seemed to understand.

Boss: Oh, so you're that person Bryan told me about. Where's the other one?

Me: She's caught up with an emergency in CherryGrove.

Boss: Does she need help? Because I can-

Me: I assure you she's fine.

Boss: Alright, welcome to the group.

Me: Thanks.

Boss: You start in a hour. 

Me: Understood.

Leaving with Lance who's been quite this whole time showed me around. As he spoke, I thought to myself, "this is going to be a interesting mission". Killer as if reading my mind, nodded his head in agreement.

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