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I had to walk from the school because I don't got my ride yet. I damn sho' wasn't about to ride on a bus. I don't like being around alotta people, shit just annoying. I wasn't really a people person. I got to my aunt house and didn't see her car so im guessing she wasn't there. I was kinda hoping she wasn't though, I didn't feel like talking.

"Hey honey how was your first day?" My aunt asked. Damn man.

"It was cool" I shrugged. I continued to walk to my room until she stopped me.

"Lucas I never did tell you I was sorry about what happened to your dad" I stood there for a minute and just looked at her.

"He was-"

"Look if ya don't mind I'm kinda tired I just wanna sleep" I said walking away towards my room. I didn't wanna talk about my dad because I knew I'll end up crying and Im done with that crying shit. Crying is for the weak.I walked into my room threw my bookbag on the floor and layed across my bed. I had homework to do, but I ain't finna do that shit. I took out my phone and plugged my earphones into my ear and drifted off to sleep.

"Lucas" My aunt said waking me up out my sleep.I looked over at the time and it was 7:30 in the evening. Man what the fuck do she want, waking me up outta my damn sleep. Good sleep at that.

"What?" I groaned turning over with my back facing her.

"Come on its time for dinner" She said smiling. I sighed and got up and went to the kitchen, so she wouldnt keep nagging me. Her husband was sitting at the table already eating. I didn't even say nothing to him I just sat Down and got ready to eat my food.
She cooked lasagna and corn, and made a salad.

"Preciate it" I said to her.

"No problem. I was telling my husband how you like basketball and you sometimes rap on the side" She said smiling. I sighed.

"I use to" I simply said and ate some of the lasagna.

"But you use to love basketball when your father was alive" She frowned.

"Yah do you see him alive now?" I said with a slight attitude.

"Don't talk to my wife like that" Her husband said mugging me.

"No its fine Gerald, I shouldn't have brought it up" she said picking at her food. I looked at her realizing that I probably hurt her feelings, but I shrugged. I wasn't even hungry, I couldn't fucking eat her swole ass husband kept eyeing me and shit. I hate when people stare at me, that shit make me uncomfortable.

"My nigga can I help you with some?" I said to him. He chuckled and shook his head.

"Nah its just that you look so familiar. I think I seen you somewhere before"

"Nah you don't know me" I said shaking my head. "And I'm not even hungry nomo" I said standing up from the table.

"You sure?" My aunt Asked me as I got up from the table.

"Yes Crystal. I just wanna lay down" I said walking out the kitchen.I heard her sigh from behind me. I ignored it and walked into my room closing and locking the door behind me.

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