Benny rodriguez (the sandlot)

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We were watching a movie and talked for a little while, Benny turned his head and looked at me but I just kept watching the tv. He smiled and brought his hand up to my chin and turned my head towards him and he leaned in to kiss me. He scooted me closer with the arm that was around me and started kissing down to my neck. His hand that was on my chin then moved down to my chest. I was really liking it and all but I was afraid my parents would walk in, so I stopped before things got bad. "Benny what are you doing?" I scooted away to the end of the bed. "Relax babe" I was confused when he said that. Did he really just say what I think he said? I stared at he tv thinking about what he said. "Are you okay?" I look back at him. "Oh, yeah...babe?" "Well yeah, I mean you are my girlfriend right?" He put his arm around me again and pulled me closer so I wasn't on the end of the bed. I was shocked to hear him say that. "I didn't know I was you girlfriend. Since when?" I look up at him with a smile. "Since today I guess... I mean we did go on a date." "yeah" I got excited when he said that and I felt my face getting red so I tried to calm myself. He kissed my forehead and we continued watching the movie
It was getting late and he turns to look at the clock, 9:47 "I should probably get going." "I'll walk you out." I say as we get up from the bed and head downstairs. My family was still downstairs watching tv, they hear us heading downstairs and look over. "Your leaving?" My mom said to him. "Yeah, it was nice to meet you all" "it was nice to meet you too. You're welcome anytime." My mom smiled and looked back at the tv. I open the front door and walk out on to the porch. "Well goodnight babe." He kisses my cheek and was about to leave. "Wait, can I get a real kiss?" He turns around smiling and pulls me in by my waists and crashed his lips into mine. He slowly pulled away and looked into my eyes for a second. "Goodnight babe" I say smiling at him. "I like when you call me that." He had a smirk on his face and turned to head home. I walk back in and close the door and head upstairs to my room. "This day couldn't get any better!" I say to myself getting in to my bed. It was getting late and I layed in bed trying to get some sleep but I was just too happy. I couldn't stop thinking about what all happened, and about two hours later I finally went to sleep.

May 28th
7:30 am

It's been three days since that night Benny came over to my house. I woke up to the sound of my alarm and got up to get ready to go to the sandlot like I usually do everyday. I brushed my teeth, put my hair in a bun, put on a t-shirt and jeans and wore my Pf flyers. I check the clock and it was already 8:00, usually Benny comes and knocks on my door at 8 so I thought it was kinda weird he didn't today. I go outside and walk over to his house and knock on the door. "Can I help you?" Benny's mom opens the door with a smile on her face. "I just wanted to know if Benny was here." "Oh right! You must be Valerie, i've heard a lot of great things about you. You can come inside he's still asleep" she seemed really nice and easy going. I walk inside and she Goes into the kitchen to continue cooking. "His room is the first door on the right Hun." I find his room and knock on the door but no one answered. "Benny." I crack the door and he's still asleep with the sheets off the bed in a white shirt and in his underwear. I shut the door and walk over to sit on the bed. I start shaking him a little to wake him up. "Benny get up we're gonna be late to go to the sandlot!" He turned over and looks surprised to see me. "How'd you get in here?" He sat up and pulled his blanket over him to cover his underwear. "Your mom let me in" I kinda laughed and leaned over to kiss him. " I think you better change so we can leave." " I think we can stay here for a little bit." He put his arms around me and lays down back down  in bed with me. He's laying on his back with one arm around me and I have my head on his chest. I look up and see him falling asleep. "What if your mom comes in?" I got a little worried cause we're both laying in bed together even though we weren't doing anything. "Shes not, don't worry." He turns over and is now on top of me. He starts kissing me and slowly works his way down. His hands move up my shirt and kinda tug on it, I got the hint he wanted me to take it off so I did. He moves down to my stomach and starts kissing me while trying to unhook my bra. "Benny I don't think nows the time." He looks up at me and can tell I'm worried so he stops. "Okay, I don't want to do anything your uncomfortable with." He moved back up and kissed my forehead. He rolled over and got out of bed to change. He put his jeans and shoes on and grabbed his bat and glove. I sat up to put my shirt back on but he stopped me, he dug through his drawer to find a shirt. "Here, wear this one" it was a half sleeve white and blue shirt. I put it on and notice he was looking at my chest, I look at him and he looks up at me and smiles. "Let's go." We head out and start walking to the sandlot.

Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)Where stories live. Discover now