Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)

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May 25th
7:00 am

I woke up and the first thing on my mind was going to the sandlot. I roll over to check the clock but it was only 7;00 and Benny is supposed to come at around 8:00, so that gave me time to to take a shower, brush my teeth, braid my hair, put on a hat and a plain white t-shirt and jeans with my converse and head downstairs to eat breakfast.
"Morning honey" my mom kissed me on the head and set down pancakes and eggs on the table. I sat down to eat. "Where were you last night?" My mom said with a curious face while setting down more food. "I was just outside talking to some friends, that's all" I just kept eating thinking she wouldn't say anything after. "She was with her boyfriend!" Angela said jokingly. "I was not! I barely even know him!" I laughed with her, my mom looked up with a smile on her face. "Well he can come over anytime, as long as he's a good kid I don't mind." My mom was pretty easy going, and didn't mind me hanging out with friends. I just smiled and finished my breakfast. As I was putting my plate in the sink there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it!" Angela went over and opened the door and saw Benny waiting outside. "Oh, uh.. Is Valerie here?" I looked at the clock in the kitchen and it was already 8:00. I was surprised so I rushed over to the door. "Yeah she's right here." I walk outside and see Benny wearing almost the same thing. Plain white t-shirt, jeans, a hat and pf flyers. "Well I'll be back in a while, bye" I yelled as I shut the door. He looks at me up and down with he's eyes. "Looks like you stole my look." He said smiling at me. "Yeah right!" I lightly push him and laughed. I see him reaching for his back pocket to pull something out. " I brought you an extra glove, you know.. In case you wanna play again" I felt like they enjoyed playing with me, but Benny enjoyed it the most. "Of course! Why wouldn't I?" I said jokingly. I turn my head and see smalls leaving his door step to catch up with us. "Hey guys wait up!" He yelled wile running over to us. Then later ham came, then yeah-yeah , then Kenny, then the rest came along until we reached the sandlot. We were heading out getting into our positions when Benny stopped me. "You wanna pitch?" I got a little excited because the one thing I knew I was good at was pitching. "Okay!" He gave me the ball and came a little closer to me while everyone else was in their positions ready to play. "You know how I said we should hang out after?" I looked a little worried, not knowing hat he would say after. "Um, yeah.." " well how about this, if I hit it, we go on a date, and if I miss, we don't have to." I couldn't believe he actually wanted to go on a date with me. I didn't want to look like a goof so I tried to stop smiling and tried to calm myself. I look out to the field and then back to him. "Okay.. but I'm pretty good at pitching." I said. "well we'll see about that." He looked at me and smiled and then we headed out to the field. we got into our positions and he was the batter. "Let's see how good you are Valerie" Benny yelled to me. I laughed, and decided to give him a hard one. "Okay, this is my heater. I dare you to hit it!" I said back to him. He had a serious look on his face as if he was determined to hit it. As I let go of the ball he swung his bat and on the first try he hit it all the way to the fence. We all just watched the ball amazed that he was able to hit it that far. "Alright!" I turn my head and see him smiling and clapping his hands as he runs around the bases. I was actually happy because I did want to go on a date with him. I was hoping it would be somewhere alone and romantic so I could actually get to know him.
But the ball went past the fence. Into someone's backyard. "Now we can't play no more Benny man" Kenny said. They all had an upset look on their face. "Hey come on guys, we can just buy a ball tomorrow and play all day then." Benny was the only one happy and I knew why, but they didn't. "What's with you man?" "Yeah yeah, why are you so happy?" They all came towards him but I just stood where I was and looked over to where they were. I knew they were talking about me, but I court hear what They were saying so I walked over slowly to listen better. "You asked her on a date?" "That's why you've been bringing her here, cause you like her?" They all had something to say, then squints saw me getting closer and they all turn around and act like they weren't talking about me. "Hey Valerie" Benny looked startled to see me there. "How bout we just go home guys." Benny said to all of us, but I knew we were just going on a date after.
We all started walking home and when it was just us he walked past his house and went to mine. "So where are we going?" I looked at him with the cheesy smile. "You'll see. Just wear something casual." He winked at me and led me up to the doorstep. "I'll come buy your house in an hour." "That sounds great!" He hugged me and started walking off to his house. I walk inside my home and shut the door behind me. I leaned against the door and smiled at what just happened. I heard my sister  in the kitchen and I knew she would say something to me so I just ran upstairs to my room. I didn't mind telling her those things but I just thought it was too early to express my feelings to someone about a guy I've only known for three days.

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