Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)

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I couldn't wait for dinner to be over so I could talk to him about it but for now we had to eat so we went to the kitchen and sat down to eat. We talked and ate for about thirty minutes then I helped my mom put the dishes in the sink. "Can Benny stay for a while?" I said to my mom. "Sure." She said and we went to my room. "So what was that about?" I said. "What?" He said. "With you and Gabby, it looked like she was being too friendly with you." He sat down on the bed and looked down. "Well, Gabby has liked me for a while but I never liked her and she's been trying to get with me for months." I didn't know what to say and sat down on the bed with him. "What?"  "And when I was walking out of my house she asked why I was going over to your house and I should just go over to hers instead but I just ignored her." I couldn't believe it. She seemed nice and I thought I could trust her. "Why didn't you tell me before?"  "Because she stopped bothering me, but I guess she saw you with me and is trying to talk to me again." I was mad at her but it didn't matter... I had Benny, so I just tried to forget about it and tried to go to sleep. He stayed the night and slept in my bed in a t-shirt and his boxers.
The next morning we just stayed in bed and slept in. I wake up and roll over and see him sleeping. He was so cute with his messy hair. It was 10:00 am and I decided to wake him up because I wanted to go for a walk around the neighborhood. We go out and start walking around the block. We walk by the store so we go in and buy soda and head back home. When we were walking back I saw Gabby leaving her house and she saw us and waved, I just look the other way and ignored her and he did the same. "Look I'm sorry about what happened last night Valerie." He said. "It's not your fault." I said and shrugged my shoulders. I wanted to talk to her about what happened but I decided to do it later since she left anyways. Benny had to go home so I went to mine and ate and just layed on the couch for a while watching tv hoping that she would be back home soon. I accidentally fell asleep and woke up about an hour later, so I decided to walk over to her house to see if she's there. I knock on the door and she opens it. "Valerie?" "Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?" I said "sure come in." We go to her room and we sit down. " what's up?" She said. I paused for a second cause I didn't know what I was going to say. "Do you like Benny?" She looked at me confused. "No, why?" "Well he said you did." I said. "He's right, I did... But not anymore. Plus he has you, why would I like him?" She giggled a little. I thought about what Benny said, but I just shrugged my shoulders and forgot about it. I thought I could give her a chance, so I stayed and talked for a while before I headed back home.

June 6th
My birthday!

A few days have past and Gabby and I seemed fine and she wasn't bothering Benny. And it was finally my birthday, this day couldn't go wrong. I woke up at around 10:00 and started to help my family set out the stuff for my party. I was setting down the plates when I heard the doorbell ring. "I'll get it!" My sister said. I look up and see Benny who came early to help set the stuff out. He helped blow up some balloons in the backyard. I invited the whole team and Gabby and a few of her friends that I met a few days ago. The party started at 4:00 and ended at 6:00. It was 3:45 and we were done setting everything out and waiting for people to start coming.
At around 4:30 everyone was there and it was going great, I was outside with some friends eating bbq that my dad had cooked. Later my mom brought the cake out and the party was almost over. Most of them left right around 6:00 and ham, yeah-yeah, smalls, Benny and gabby stayed a little longer. "I'll go get another drink." Benny said. He got up and went outside to the cooler to get another drink. I saw Gabby go out right after he did, but i didn't think anything. I was talking to smalls at the time in the kitchen and noticed Benny and Gabby didn't come back inside. "I'm gonna go get a drink." I said to smalls and went to the back door. It was a sliding door and I opened it quietly and look out. I stood behind some bushes right by the door and they didn't notice I was outside and saw them talking. I couldn't hear what they were saying because they were pretty far away. Benny looked frustrated and as he was walking back to the house Gabby grabs his arm and tries to kiss him. "Stop!" Benny yells. That's when I walk out and they see me. "Whats going on?" I said. "Valerie wait!" Benny said, I run back inside and head straight to my room. Benny comes in right after I shut the door to my room. "Valerie I can explain please." He said. I layed down on my bed and pulled the covers over my head. "You can just tell everyone they can leave now." I said. "Wait let me explain!" He said, he was getting mad and stayed in my room to explain.

Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)Where stories live. Discover now