Benny Rodriguez (the sandlot)

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May 30th
7:46 am

The next morning I woke up, I roll over and see Benny laying in bed with me. I was shocked for a second but then I remember what happened last night. I get out of bed and put some clothes on and wake him up "Benny wake up we got to go to the sandlot." He groaned and rolled out of bed to change back into his clothes. I heard my parents downstairs and they couldn't see Benny was here, so I quietly walk ahead of him to see if my parents could see the front door. They were in the kitchen so we ran outside. "I'm going to the sandlot I'll be back in a while." I say to my parents as I close the door and start walking with Benny. We got to the sandlot and realized no one had a ball, "does anyone have any money?" Benny said. "I do" I said to him, I had some change in my pocket. "well let's go" Benny said to me but yeah-yeah stopped him. "Wait! I can go with her, I want to buy a soda." Benny looked at him a little funny. "Well okay" he said, so we ran to Vincent's drug store to buy a ball and soda. I didn't think it was unusual for yeah-yeah to come, I just thought he was going to buy soda. When we were walking he looks at me and says. " so, you like Benny?" I giggle a little. "Well yeah, I mean we're dating." "Right." He looks down and kinda looks upset. "Why?" I say to him. "Well, because... I like you." I didn't know what to say. I had no idea he liked me. "What?" "Yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. But since I've seen you with Benny I've just been upset and felt like I had to tell you. But don't tell Benny, I don't want that to ruin our friendship." I wanted to tell him but I knew if I did there would be a chance they wouldn't be friends anymore. "Okay, let's just buy our things and go." I smile and say to him. On the way back it was kinda awkward and we didn't really talk. We got back to the sandlot and Benny came jogging over. "Where were you guys we've been waiting forever now." "I didn't know it took so long" I said. Benny looked confused. "Well let's play" I said and Benny just shook his head and ran over to the field. It was another normal day playing and soon it was time to go home. When we were leaving yeah-yeah seemed upset and didn't say anything the whole time. When they all left it was just me and Benny and he kissed me and went to his house and I went to mine.
Later that day I was in my room and heard a knock at the door. "Valerie it's for you." I run downstairs and see its yeah-yeah. "Hey" I said. "Hey, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go for a walk with me." He said. "Okay." I smile at him and walk out the door. I thought of him as a friend so I didn't think of anything. We walked around the block and talked a little. "So about what happened earlier.." He said a little shy. "Hey it's okay I won't tell him." I said. "Okay but, do you ever think there will be a chance with us?" "I don't think so, I like Benny, and you're my best friend." We got back to my house and he followed me up the steps. "Well bye Valerie." I turn my head to say bye and he kisses me on the lips and leaves. I didn't see that coming, then I look up and see Benny on his front steps staring at me. I could tell he was shocked and he just went back inside. I run over and knock on the door and he opens it. "What do you want?" "I don't know what happened just then I-" he cut me off. "Whatever" he tried to close the door but I put my hand between the door. "Can I come in and explain everything to you please?" I said. "Okay" I could tell he was mad, we went to his room and sat down on the bed. "Benny look. I didn't know he was going to kiss me." He still looked mad and I knew I had to tell him everything that yeah-yeah said to me even though I told him I wouldn't tell. "Today when we went to buy a ball he told me that he like me and I thought we were just going to go for a walk but then that happened and-" "I believe you Valerie." He said calmly. "You do?" "Yeah, I knew yeah-yeah has liked you, he told me before we started dating. And I knew that he was trying to get you so I asked you out before he did." "Well I don't want this to hurt y'all's friendship." "I'll talk to him about it." He said. I left his house and went back to mine. I went to bed and was hoping tomorrow would be fine because Benny said he'll talk to him about it.

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