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"Take off your blinders, brothers and sisters. The real enemy is out there. I feel their guns moving in the water, their metal targeting us. Americans, Soviets, humans. United in their fear of the unknown. The Neanderthal is running scared, my fellow mutants!" Erik said as he came out with Shaw's body. "Go ahead, Charles. Tell me I'm wrong."

Charles gave me a terrified look as he searched their minds and turned to Moira and myself with a small nod. "Curse Stryker..." I muttered as I grabbed a com and joined Moira in our plea to get them to stop. "Fleet Commander, this is X-Ray Bravo 7-0. Respond. Over. The beach is secure. Call off the attack. Hello? Hello!"

"Rita?" Charles' voice asked in my head.

"I-I'm sorry Charles, they're going to fire at us." I said. "Moira, I'm going to try to shield us from the blasts. It might be our only hope." I said as I ran out. I watched horrified as they fired their missiles at us, they were almost to the beach when Erik stopped them.

"Erik, you said yourself, we're the better men. This is the time to prove it. There are thousands of men on those ships. Good, honest, innocent men! They're just following orders." Charles pleaded with him.

"I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again." Erik said as he pushed them back to where they came from.

"Erik, release them!" Charles ordered as we watched, when Erik didn't stop Charles tackled him. "No!"

"I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me!" Erik commanded as he hit Charles and they began to fight. "Stand back! Charles, that's enough!"

"Erik, stop!" I cried.

"Rita, stop him!" Charles cried in my mind.

I raised my arms as I tried to grab at Erik's hands, but they were too weak. "I can't Charles, I'm sorry. I can't stop him..."

"Shoot him."

"What?! Charles, that is not a good idea!"

"Shoot him Rita, shoot him!" Charles said loudly in my head as I pulled out my gun and started firing at Erik, Moira joined me as we fired whatever we had. Erik was deflecting them, but it was helping. That is until one of my bullets was deflected into Charles. "NO!" I screamed as Charles cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

I could vaguely hear the missiles in the background as they fell Erik no longer intent on destroying them. "I'm so sorry." Erik said as he pulled the bullet out of Charles' back. "I said back off! You. You did this." Erik said in a deadly calm as he focused on Moira, I jumped in front of her as he tightened both of our god tags and began to choke us.

"Erik. Please. They didn't do this, Erik. You did." Charles said, and then Erik let go.

"Us turning on each other, it's what they want. I tried to warn you, Charles. I want you by my side. We're brothers, you and I. All of us together, protecting each other. We want the same thing." Erik spoke to Charles.

"My friend. I'm sorry, but we do not." Charles said. Erik looked down sadly, then at me and moved to let me take Charles. I ran forward followed by Moira as I took him gently as placed his head in my lap.

"Charles! I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I said as I fought back tears.

"It's all right. It's all right, I asked you to fire at him Rita. It's not your fault." Charles said gently as he touched my face, wiping away my tears.

"This society won't accept us. We form our own. The humans have played their hand. Now we get ready to play ours. Who's with me?" Erik asked making me turn around as he looked around, then he focused on Raven and held out his hand. "No more hiding."

I watched Raven walk slowly towards both Erik and Charles before she ran to Charles' side. "You should go with him. It's what you want." Charles said.

"You promised me you would never read my mind." Raven said smiling.

"I know. I promised you a great many things, I'm afraid. I'm sorry."

Raven looked at me. "Take care of him." She ordered making me smile as she walked over to Erik. "And, Beast, never forget. Mutant and proud." They disappeared in smoke as the others ran to Charles.

"I'm gonna get you to a hospital." Moira said.

"Wait, Charles. Charles, don't move, okay?" Hank said as Charles tried to move.

"I won't. Actually... I can't feel my legs." Charles said in horror.

"What?" I asked afraid.

"I can't feel my legs." Charles told me. "I can't feel my legs."


"So, how many students do you think you'll have here once you get the academy up and running?" I asked as I pushed Charles around the back. He had already said goodbye to Moira, but wanted to speak to me alone first. I have a feeling I know what it is.

"As many as I can manage. Possibly more." Charles answered.

I pulled us to a stop in front of the house and faced him. "You know, one day the government is going to realize how lucky they were to have Professor X on their side."

"I suppose I am a real professor now, aren't I? Next thing you know, I'll be going bald."

I laughed, "I don't think you would look that bad if you were bald."

"We're still on the government's side, Rita. We're still G-men. Just without the 'G'."

"No. You're your own team now. It's better. You're X-Men, and I'm part of that team." I said with a thoughtful smile.

"Yes, I like the sound of that." Charles said with a wink. "Rita? For us, anonymity will be the first line of defense."

"I know. They can threaten me all they want, Charles. I'll never tell them where you are, neither will Moira." I said as I bent down to his level. "And you had better not wipe my memory like you did to my partner. I don't want to forget this; I don't want to forget you. Ever."

"I know you won't tell them, but Rita it would be for your own safety." Charles argued as we looked at each other in the eyes.

"I can handle myself. Besides, you still owe me a dinner."

"I know." He said softly, and then he kissed me. Something I was never expecting, but then I was back at the CIA base with no idea of what was going on...

"I remember the attack on HQ, leaving to go somewhere else. And then this morning, I woke up at home. That's it." Moira said.

"All that time, wiped clean from your mind. Just gone. He can do that? You both don't remember anything?"

Moira turned to me, as I looked at them confused. "Sometimes I get fragments. Like trees, sunlight. These amazing blue eyes, a kiss..."

"Oh, Jesus."

"Gentlemen, this is why the CIA is no place for a woman." Stryker said making me glare at him. Then I guess you shouldn't be here. Then we heard an explosion.

"What the hell was that?" Stryker asked as he ran to the window.

"Maybe it's a woman..." I muttered under my breath making Moira laugh.


I walked into what looked like a mansion, but I had no idea where I was, or why I was here. "I brought you here." A voice said in my mind. I looked over confused and saw a handsome young man in a wheelchair with the most amazing blue eyes. "I'm flattered that you find my eyes so amazing Rita, but I think you'll find this more amazing."

"Who are you?" I asked softly, then I felt all of my memories come back. "Charles!"

"Now how about that dinner date?"


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