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"Why you little!"

"Come and get me!" I taunted as I had Jean lead me out of the pyramid. Hopefully, my plan will work. I've started making the vines grow, but I need him in the right place. I ran out of the pyramid only to have the guy fly up high in the air and the node dive after me. I quickened my pace and had vines propel me to the area I set up. The trap is set; all I need is the little death angel to fly into it.

I turned around to see him sending his metal feathers after me, dozens at a time. I ducked and tried to dodge them, but I couldn't avoid all of them. I cried out in pain as one grazed my side and another dug right into my shoulder, but I kept running. I made it to the place I had set up, right between to objects that look like a pillar. I stood there as the man flew at me, and at the last moment, I vanished into the ground.

I popped up on the other side to see my plants and vines quickly grabbing at the man and restraining him. I gave him a quick piece sign before I ran away, hearing him shout angrily behind me as he tried to tear through all of the plants. That will hold him, but not for long. I was close to the plane, but then Kurt appeared and transported me onto it.

Hank turned around and saw me and they started to fly away as quickly as possible. "Well, that was easy..." I panted out as we started to go up, but then something landed on top of the plane. "I spoke too soon. What the hell was that?" I asked annoyed as a sword came through the roof, followed by those sharp metal feathers. "I seriously thought I got rid of him."

"Everyone grab hold of Nightcrawler!" Raven ordered, everyone grabbed ahold of Kurt.

"I've never done it with this many people." Kurt said uncertainly.

"Get us out of here." Raven ordered as Kurt tried, but failed as he tried to get us out. "Kurt, hurry!"

I looked uncertainly at everyone around us. "Maybe if he has one less..." I said softly as I let go.

"Rita!" Moira shouted alarmed.

"Kurt go!" I shouted, and then they were gone. I ran to the front of the plane and then sent it on a nosedive just as the two annoying horsemen got in. "Too late." I said as I wrapped as many vines around me as I could, then the plane crashed into the ground. By that point in time, I had enough vines to survive the landing, but not enough to protect me completely.

I groaned as I rolled over, only to be met with Angel Boy. He was very beat up, and smoking. I looked at him sadly, why do we always fight each other? Why must we fight each other and kill more in the process. "Useless." A voice said as he picked up the poor man. I looked up to see Apocalypse as he threw Angel Boy back down, I don't think he is alive.

"You're the one who throws lives away, he was just following you." I said angrily as I tried to push myself up.

"You are brave." Apocalypse said as he picked me up, not gently though. Around the neck actually. "Charles. I know you can hear me. We're still connected. Charles! Show yourself, or see what I will do to this woman!" There was no answer as Apocalypse tightened his grip, cutting off my airway. I reached for his hands desperately. "CHARLES! SHOW YOURSELF!"

The next thing I knew, I was placed gently on the ground as Peter ran around punching Apocalypse. I thought he would actually do a lot of damage, but then Apocalypse kicked him to the side.
"Foolish child." Apocalypse said as he broke Peter's leg. I screamed as Peter fell to the ground and the samurai lady stepped forward. "End him."

"No!" I shouted as I ran forward, but then the woman tried to kill Apocalypse. I stopped, shocked as I saw Raven. I felt relieved, but it was short lived as Apocalypse started to choke the life out of her. "Don't you dare." I said venomously as I ran forward, only to be thrown back into a wall by Apocalypse. I covered my arms as the wall came down on top of me.

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