Three Years Later

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(Dipper's P.O.V.)
Three years.
Three years I've been trying to bring Bill back.
I've shut out everyone, even my twin... It was painful at first to hear her sit outside my door every night and beg me to come out, but eventually she stopped coming.
I ran away shorty after that, so I didn't have to hold the burden of killing my sister, mentally.
I haven't seen her glistening face and cheerful attitude for so long, I feel like I'm going insane.
Just like Ford did all those years ago, when he shut out Stanley...
I have to many theories of what happened to Bill. Where his is. What he's doing. But I still have no idea how to bring him back...
Bill might have been insane and slightly unstable but I knew there was more to him, because I saw it.

I sat up, snapping me back into reality. I had been laying in my bed, thinking of what my life as become.
I sighed, then stood up completely and cracked my back. "Jesus! I'm way to young to have back pains." I groaned, rubbing my acing back.
My bed wasn't all that comfortable and neither was any of the chairs, in my crummy apartment.
I walked into my small but charming kitchen and grabbed my toothbrush. The sink in my bathroom stopped working awhile back and since I didn't have the money to fix it, I just moved everything to the kitchen.
Before I had run away, I graduated school but never bothered to go into college. I had barely passed and decided going into more school, would just put me further behind in my 'quest.'
I lazily got ready for another morning of, sitting slumped over in a wooden chair, trying to get Bill back.
I didn't bother brushing my hair though.
I quietly hummed, I Hate you I Love You and started to flip through countless papers. So far, the only conclusion I've come to is Bill himself didn't die, just the body he possessed, but if this was the case, he wouldn't be strong enough to heal himself. It would take the blood of another dream demon to fix him. Also who knows where his demonic form ended up. In his state, he wouldn't be able to properly teleport himself to the Mindscape, so he could be in an entirely different dimension.
I slammed my fist on my desk, not know what I could do next. I had no one to help me.
I was all alone...

(Mabel's P.O.V.)
I couldn't sleep all last night. I barely ate enough to keep me alive and the hunger was driving me insane, but I had to get ready for the day anyway. For my Grunkles sake...
I pulled on a purple skirt, high knee socks and a long sleeve shirt.
I often wore long sleeves do to... The scars on my wrists. I wasn't proud of how I dealt with my depression and anxiety but it helped. It took my mind off reality and made me focus on the agonizing pain instead...
I walked out of my room, shakily and headed downstairs to Stanley's room. I knocked on his door softly, before opening in. "Morning Grunkle Stan." I whispered and shook him slightly. He opened one eye and grunted, as I handed him his glasses.
Stanley has been sick for the past few months. It broke me heart to see him in so much pain...
"Morning..." He hummed groggily. I weakly smiled at him and whispered a good morning, then started to leave the room, to get him his breakfast.
I went into the kitchen and started to prepare a meal, when Ford hobbled in. "Morning Mabel!" He said, more cheerfully then his twin. I looked back and grinned with my eyes closed, showing I noticed him.
I don't like to talk much anymore, cause I feel like it's not worth the time, but I always talked to Stanley...
I finish cooking and gave one plate to Ford, before going back to Stanley's room, to give him his plate.
I handed it to Stan and he ate greedily, like he usually does. I smiled faintly.
It was hard to believe I could loose him at any moment...
I sat on the edge of him bed while he ate, to make sure he didn't choke.
"Slow down Grunkle Stan." I slightly giggled. He shook his head and continued to slurp down the food quickly. Then he started to cough. I took the bowl from his hands and put it on the nightstand, before scooting closer to him and rubbing him back. He coughed awhile longer, but eventually calmed down.
He laid back down slowly and shut his eyes. He let out a snore. "If always ceases to amaze me, how you can fall asleep so fast..." I chuckled, then kissed his forehead and left the room.
I just wish he could be healthy again...

(Bill's P.O.V.) 😉
I could hear soft beeping in the background. I could feel and move but my eye wouldn't open. I felt around my surroundings, to see if I could figure out where I was.
It felt like, I was laying on a thin mattress and had a sheet over me. There was bars on either side of my body, and I seemed to be back in my demonic, triangular form. "Hey! Where the heck am I and what's going on?!?" I yelled, hoping someone would hear me. "Y-your in a recovery room, I-in my m-master's house..." A voice answered. It sounded skittish, yet familiar, in a way. "But why am I here?!? AND WHY CANT I OPEN MY EYE?!?" I demanded more answers. I heard the person squeak before saying, "I brought you here cause you where badly injured and you can't open your eye cause there's a mask over it." The figure took off the mask and I was blinded by bright lights. I was hooked up to a IV monitor and a tube of blood. I was shocked when I saw the appearance of the person in front of me. "How long... Have I been here?" I questioned. "Three years..."

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