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How many people actually want this story to continue...?

(Bill's P.O.V.)
"You better be ready Gravity Falls! Bill's home..."

(Dipper's P.O.V.)

I chill ran across my spine, causing my arm hairs to stand on end. This... is new... Something has definitely changed within Gravity Falls... I can feel it...
Using some magic, I summoned an some of my papers to appear in my face. Reading carefully, I slid my finger underneath each word I read.
Strange feelings began to crawl within me. That's when I heard a echoing voice, causing me to toss my papers and grasp onto my chest.

"Bill's home..."

(Stanford's P.O.V.)

I had been searching across Gravity Falls looking for my lost nephew, with Mabel cluelessly, yet happily skipping behind me. She seemed to take in the scenery of the town and ask questions about every object she didn't understand.
I've asked shopkeepers, hotels, schools, even compete strangers, if they've seen Dipper. I always got the same answer, "No..." Man this kid is good at covering up his tracks but what's a mystery, without someone to solve it?
There was only one place left to look. A shabby, old apartment building on the edge of town. Not many people went out there, so it was a perfect place to disappear...
Strolling inside, I made sure to keep a close eye on Mabel. She sometimes would try to wander elsewhere...
Around me was red wallpaper that seemed to be pealing off with age, red carpets with black designs swirling about and gold trimming on the furniture and desks. Honestly it wasn't to bad.
Approaching the counter, I noticed a wider woman, who looked about as achent as me. She wore a pink, frilly top, with brownish trousers pulled up way to high. Her cheeks was dusted with blush, eye lids where a dim purple and red lipstick was spread across her unamused lips.
"Do you know a young adult by the name of Dipper Pines?" I questioned eagerly, clinging onto the hope that he hadn't left Oregon yet. "Yeah, about a few minutes ago. He bolted out there as quick as the wind, rambling on about 'someone being back.'" The woman's voice was hoarse, indicating she was probably a heavy smoker. My eyes widened and my mouth slowly opened agape. I unintentionally grasped onto Mabel's shoulder tightly, dragging her outside and pulling her along. The lady looked at us confused but shrugged it off and leaned back on the counter.
If who I thought was back, was back, then we would have a whole new situation on our hands... But that should be impossible!! I killed him!!! There was no way for him to come back... Right...?
My blood started to pump faster causing my body to heat up, yet I still felt cold chills run across my whole being...

If people still like this story, I'll start updating more again. I have a pretty sweet idea for the next chapter but I wanted to see how many people still read this...

This Means War | BillDip {Sequel to The Blue Flame}Where stories live. Discover now