Please, Anyone, Save Me...

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Bill's P.O.V.

  "Hahah! Seems you have chosen! You and everyone in this world will perish when my dear sister and I rule! Tata Bill!" Tyrone said, snapping his fingers and disappearing, along with my Pinetree. His chuckles echoed throughout the room, even after he had gone. 
I propped myself up against an unstable wall, grasping onto my newly broken shoulder blade. I began to let out a pained laugh, as tears streamed down my face. Although I wasn't crying over my arm... I was crying over losing Dipper and dooming this Universe...

Dipper's P.O.V.

Drip Drip Drip

The continuous sound of liquid hitting the concrete floors of my cell weakly managed to reach my ears, despite the loud, rapid thumping of my heart. Was it blood? Tears maybe? Didn't matter, the sound would stay the same regardless of the substance. 

My face burns and my bones ache; overall my body feels worn out and utterly exhausted. My voice is almost entirely gone due to screaming in agony for weeks, then being left alone without water for longer than I can keep track of. I am well aware of the many wounds littering my body, though with the last of my powers having been drained from my being, there is not much I can do to seal the infected cuts. Tyrone had been the one to absorb my powers, or whatever essence of magic left inside me.

I was abandoned in a ill-lighted dungeon with no recollection of how I got here nor why the Gleeful twins had bothered to keep me alive. This place has a strange aura to it; very unsettling, with air that's thick and full of dread. I know I am far from home...

The halls of this prison reek of unspeakably foul odors and carry an uneasy silence that would make one think they're alone, though I was far from it. I am mindful of the presence that always lingering near my cell door, just watching my movements and nothing more. They don't speak nor move, and sometimes I don't think they even breathe. They just sit quietly with perfect posture, their lean body always facing me head on. They will occasionally disappear without my noticing and reappear seconds later baring a silver tray, in which they will slide over to me. I've been trying to avoid the food that sits upon that platter, but I've become too weak and malnourished to ignore it anymore. 

What I would give to get out of this horrid place...

Please, anyone, save me.

Bill's P.O.V.

I heaved myself forward, pain wracking my entire body. I limped with every step and felt entirely weak, yet I still managed to keep a firm grasp on my dislocated shoulder. I watched as clouds of white smoke drifted from my mouth and get carried away by the chilling wind of the night. My eyes were misted by unfallen tears, rendering my sight. Not that it mattered, the night's looming shadow now covered the town in want seemed like an endless darkness. 

I had been wandering like this since Pinetree's kidnapping. Without a reason, and without a destination. It was a pointless act yet I still found myself trudging forward, staring numbly down at the grassy floor of the woods. 

It wasn't until I had walked right into a solid object that I had lifted my gaze and looked out before me. My vision was blurred but I was able to make out the design of a wooden structure-- no, a house. The aura around this place felt like it once held much joy but now a great sadness consumed it, giving it a lifeless and empty feel. I rested my forehead against the aged bark panels, closed my eyes and let out a deep huff. 

The pain in my arm had dulled but was still very much there. I attempted to shift my damaged arm into a more comfortable position, only causing a wave of displeasure to run up my shoulder and drag slowly down my spine. 

"Hello!" Rang a cheerful voice, one that sounded as is it carried not a worry in the world.

My eyes shot open as I jumped back and turned to face the sound, though this only caused my faded pain to return to its original state.

I was able to make out the figure of a young female but was unable to identify any of her features. 

"Leave me." I spoke, sounding more pained and quiet than I intended to. 

My words failed to intimidate to girl, to no surprise. Out of instinct I clutched my upper-arm tighter, in a useless attempt to lessen the soreness of my throbbing shoulder.

Suddenly, a flash of blue consumed the night sky with a loud crackling noise. The ground shook causing me and the girl to wobble slightly before regaining our balance. But as quick as the anomaly arrived, it disappeared sending the world back into darkness. Before it had though, I was able to catch a glimpse of the girl's face.

"Mabel?" I whispered, squinting her direction though it did nothing.

"Mabel where are you?? What's going on I saw a--" 

I knew all to well who that gruff voice belonged to.

"Bill." Ford said, both with surprise and hatred.

"Long time no see," I barely managed to croak out. "Aye Sixxer?"

Long time no see, eh? I realized what a d**k move I pulled when I kept Pinetree and Bill apart for years and then as soon as they saw each other again, Tyrone takes dip... Then I left for a really long time... I found that unfair to you guys so, here I am. Also, thanks to all 119 of you who left a comment on the last chapter! Luv u guys~ Write in the comments; Was this worth the wait? Are you excited for more? Do you guys hate me??

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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