Chapter Seven

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Luke’s POV


“Mr Brooks?” I heard a doctor ask, I opened my eyes to let him know I was awake.

“You’re allowed visitors now, but only for an hour today, can I let them in?” He asked me

“Who is it?” I asked

“Your Mum and your brother”, I nodded.

The doctor left and in came Mum and Beau wearing paper masks over their faces so I couldn’t catch anything I think.

“Hi babe” Mum said happily coming down and sitting down in the chair next to me

“Hi” I replied

“How are you feeling?”

“Lonely” I said, the most human contact I’d had the past three days was the blood test I’d had yesterday, and the nurse who brought my food in.

Mum and Beau stayed with me until the nurse came in and said they had to leave, they stood up and were just about to leave when Mum slipped something out of her bag and tucked it under my sheets, the doctor had said I wasn’t allowed any food from outside or anything that might have come into contact with anything that could make me ill, Mum knew this though and wouldn’t have given me anything harmful. I waited until the nurse had gone to slip the package out and open it; there were some envelopes in there and other stuff. I put the large envelope back on the bed beside me. I started to open the smaller envelops; it was just get well cards from my aunts, uncles and Nonna and Nonno. There was one from Mum and Beau too. I put the cards in the larger envelope when I realised there was something else in there, I pulled out a large bar of chocolate, as I pulled it out a scrap of paper fell out,

I’m sorry


Why was he apologizing to me, I broke his nose and ankle. I sighed and relaxed back on the bed. Jai would be at school now so I couldn’t ask him about it.

Jai’s POV

“The life cycle of a fly is a short one” The teacher said in her boring voice, no one was listening but that didn’t stop her going on and on. Finally the bell went and I picked up my crutches and made my way to the canteen and joined James, Tyla and the others.

I sat there for a while not speaking to anyone, I was thinking about Luke; Mum and Beau had gone to visit Luke today but Mum wouldn’t let me stay off and go too.

“Are you getting any lunch Jai?” James asked me snapping me out of my day dream.

I looked up at the long queue and then back down at my broken ankle, it would be too hard to stand up for that long.

James must have understood because he grabbed my money off me and joined the end of the queue, I saw him pick up his lunch and then got some for me.

He brought it back to the table and I thanked him, and then ate it. I talked to James most of lunch, and then when the bell went I made my way to PE with James and Aaron, I wasn’t allowed to do PE but we had Mr Waite again who just disappeared into the office. Instead of going to sit on the field like usual, James got me a chair and we all sat down in the gym. We spent the whole lesson talking as usual so the lesson wasn’t that bad.

The bell finally went and I made my way to English, one more hour until I could see Luke.

The teacher made us get on with our projects, but Georgia wouldn’t talk to me. As much as I tried to talk to her, she just completely blanked me. I gave us after a while and just slumped down in my seat for the rest of the lesson while she got on with the work because she wouldn’t let me help.

I waited for the bell all lesson and when it went I grabbed my bag and crutches and left school as fast as I could. As I walked out of school I saw Beau’s car waiting. I turned and went the other way to the bus stop. When I got there the bus was already there so I got on and bought a ticket to the hospital. I sat near the front of the bus so I could get off quickly when it stopped.

20 minutes later the bus pulled up outside the hospital. I knew Luke was in isolation so I followed the signs as best I could until I came to a big corridor with a desk in the middle. There were no doctors or nurses around, so I looked in all the windows until I saw Luke asleep in one of the beds. There was a nurse in with him collecting his food. I waited outside the door until she came out. I was behind the door when it opened so she didn’t see me. I held onto the code pad so the door was still open and when she’d gone I quickly slipped in.

“Luke?” I said quietly

His eyes fluttered open; he saw me and looked at me wide eyed.

“Jai?” He asked sounding slightly shocked

“Yeah, hi” I said scratching the back of my neck, fuck this was awkward

“Hi” Luke said quietly trying to prop himself up on his pillows.

I sat down on the chair by his bed and we both watched the TV that was on, it wasn’t that awkward but it felt different to normal, well mainly because I didn’t feel the normal level of hatred I usually felt when I was in his presence. I know I should hate him after all those years of bullying, and the nose and now the ankle.

“I’m sorry, for everything” Luke said quietly after a while

I didn’t really know what to say, I think I accepted his apology because of the fact I wasn’t feeling any hatred towards him, but there was one word going round and round in my brain, why?

“Why?” I asked

“Why did you do it?” I asked again

“You wouldn’t understand” He muttered

“Try me” I said starting to get pissed off, all I want to know is why, and then we can go back to normal, we can go back to being brothers.

“I can’t tell you” He said with his head down, he wouldn’t even look at me.

“FOR FUCK SAKE LUKE, JUST TELL ME WHY” I shouted at him getting up from my seat.

“I can’t”

“TELL ME! OR I’M DONE WITH YOU AND YOUR SHIT” I yelled making my way to the door so he knew I was serious.

“I can’t” He repeated

“Fine then, adios ‘brother’” I spat walking out of the door, slamming it behind me,

“Jai” I heard him cry faintly, I didn’t look back.

I know it’s short but I thought that was a good place to end it, and I really need to update, I’m on half term at the moment so I’ll update soon, I’m going to skip updating my other two and start working on the next chapter now,

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