Chapter Two

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Jai’s POV

“BOYS” My Mum shouted as she threw open Luke and I’s curtains,

“You have school” She told us and left the room. I got out of bed, stood up and stretched, Luke had just turned his back to Mum when she woke us up and had gone back to sleep. I walked into the bathroom and washed my face, I looked at my face after I’d washed it; my nose was a bit black. I ignored it and then walked into my room again and got dressed. Just as I was about to leave Mum walked in and pulled the duvet off Luke,

“I told you to get up!” She shouted at him, Luke just groaned and curled up into a ball.

“I’m sick” He groaned

“No you’re not” She said sternly “Get up now, you’re not too old for a smacked arse”

I left the room and got some breakfast, I was halfway through when Luke stormed in and started slamming stuff about while he was making his breakfast.

Mum came in after he’d sat down with his breakfast

“I’m working late again tonight, you can order takeout for tea, I’ll leave 20 dollars here” She said leaving it on the side and then leaving the house. Luke stood up and put his bowl in the sink and he then picked up the 20 dollars and put it in his pocket.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing” I asked

“None of your business, but I have cravings to fill, if you catch my drift” He told me and left the house, I knew he meant drugs; at least he wouldn’t be home tonight.

I put my bowl in the sink and then cleaned my teeth. I took my bag and walked out of the house. I did usually enjoy the walk to school because I walked myself and I could think, but now I thought how great it would be if Georgia came out of her house just as I walked past and we could walk together, but no such luck. I walked in the school gates with plenty of time until the bell went as usual. I walked to my homeroom and sat with James, Andrew, Aaron and Tyla. We sat at our table talking until the bell went. The teacher called everyone’s names and then we all sat and talked again waiting for registration to be over.

The door opened and Luke came in, he was slightly limping and his uniform was all messy, his right eye looked a bit sore too; who could possibly have fought Luke and won. He did fight people in school, but they never injured him, this was weird. He went and sat with all of his friends and put his arm round his latest play toy, some blonde bimbo from what I could see.

The bell finally went and we all walked to our next lesson, I had maths next and for once I wasn’t dreading it, I wanted to find out what was wrong with Luke.

I took my usual seat and waited for Luke to sit down next to me, surprisingly he wasn’t late and he had all of his books. He didn’t get his phone out or daydream; he actually sat there and listened to the teacher.

When the teacher finished talking and set us the work everyone began to work in silence, even Luke.

“You should go to the nurse about your foot” I whispered

“What’s it to you” He snapped

“You’re my brother; I care about you, even if you don’t give a fuck about me” I told him, I could tell that had thrown him a bit, he didn’t know how to react.

“I don’t need to go to the nurse” He replied

“Fine then, I’ll tell Mum” I said

Luke grabbed my elbow,

“You fucking dare and I’ll break your nose” He snarled

I put my head down again and got back on with my work, just as I thought Luke had gone back to how he used to be, I was wrong.

Brothers (Jai Brooks and Luke Brooks - Janoskians)Where stories live. Discover now