Short Falshback

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'Love can break you, yet it also mends you. Love brings you sadness, and happiness. It is a bittersweet likeness.'

Harry James Potter

He sat in the darkest corner of the pub, drinking himself his second bottle of fire whiskey, watching his friemds laugh and enjoy themeselves. He felt broken, after that horrid night he was never the same. It was a bitter pill to swallow for the young man, he felt a great resentment at th world for his misfortune, he felt utterly shitty. All his happiness replaced by anger and depression, and Merlin only knows...

"At least they are having fun." He whispered to himself.

He never hung with them any more, feeling unworthy of their company, and they of course felt differemtly they were his colsest friends of course. Espcially one red haired girl, who definately wanted to talk to him. His thought once again, truned drak as he recounted his memories of that night.

🔜  Flashback  🔚
It was a dark, stormy night. Harry James Potter walked to his girlfriend's dorm room, to spend the night watching some films with her, it was just the night after their midterms. He pulled on his coat, as the chilled air entered the halls, he knocked on the door. He stopped half way into his thrid knock, when he heard her moan...

'What the hell?' He had thought, as his mind reeled, yanking the door open in haste.

He instantly wished he hamd't done his previous action, for what he saw next disgusted him to his core. Cho Chang was about to shag Draco Malfoy, his girlfriend was about to shag his worst enmy! His heart shattered into a milion pieces, and just like a switch ad fliped his pain turned into anger.

He yelled, "What the bloody hell is going here?!"

The pair suddenly jolted a part, Cho looking at him in horror, not a trace of guilt on her face. While Malfoy smirked in triumph at look on Harry's face.

"Harry this isn't what it looks like." Said Cho.

"What does it look like then?! Because all I see you about shag him! "

Draco decided to open his big mouth, "And let me tell you she can kiss."

"Shut the hell up Malfoy!"

"Harry please!"

"Please what? Forget what I saw? Forget that you -my supposed girlfriend- were about to shag  my enmy?"

"I wasn't enjoying that! He just bardged in and forced himself on me! He basicaly kissed me first!"

"Like I would belive that Chang, you seemed to enjoying it as much as he was. For Merlin's sake you fucking kissed him back."


"Forget it! We're through, you're a bitch."

With that he left, not even truning back. Amd good thing he didn't, beacuse she started on Malfoy once more. He ran back to his dorm, pulled out a six pack and began to drown himself in his sorrows, his loss. Until something snapped, he view darker and darker, a beast had entered his soul.

That night Harry Potter no longer felt the same.
🔜  End of Flashback  🔚

Darker thoughts swired in his alcohol inhabited mind, his heart growing colder then the weather outside. He clutched his bottle, the strength of his hold almost braking it to pieces, as cracks began to appear on its clear surfface.

Will he ever get out of this dark place inside of him?

Hey people, since I am also busy reposting the new version of 'Infinity amd Beyond, I've decided to just rewite the chapters of this book. Edit and add in some ideas that had just came into my mind, it seems like I am reopening this story again 😀. I hope you all will enjoy the edits, some chaptrers willl have more dramatic scenes in them, others will more fluffy romance.

There will some explist language on some chapters.

Mild exposiour of violence will also be shown on this rewrite.

No detailed sexual content will be mentioned.

Any question may be asked on the comment box provided or through private meassage.

[Broken by Lifehouse]

So that'll be all,

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