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Hermione Granger:
Dean was sent to St Mungol's after a series of injuries due to Ron's bunches, Neville's kicks and Harry's combos. Hermione wasn't really one for violence to say the least, but Dean had deserved what happened to him she could care less about that piece of vermin, and yes that is what she had said when she had told Luna and Neville to send him to the hospital.

She now found herself walking with Ron, they were strolling through the park, and usually she would remind them that it was getting late and that they should would be getting back to the school, but after what she had seen she didn't bother. She knew they all needed the breathing room after that debacle, especially Harry and Ginny.

"That was..." Ron's voice said breaking her thoughts, "First Michael, than Dean! Merlin, can't they have a break?!" He added in shaking his head.

Hermione was smiling at him, "Life isn't perfect Ron." She told him, "There will always be challanges every corner you turn."

"You're right 'Mione." Responds the red head, "I just wish they can have all the happiness in the world that's all. They've been through enough already,"

He was right, Harry and Ginny who Hermione concidered to be her sibilings in all but blood needed a rest from the trials of life, they needed the happiness they deserved. They had stopped over a river bank, Hermione was lost in thought again, yet she noticed the nervious expression on Ron's face.

She then held his hand, "What's the matter Ron?" She asked him. "You seem a little... nervious."

"I'm fine 'Mione." The Red head responds, "I've been meaning to ask something." She noticed his voice quiver.

She had a feeling of anticipation now, "Go on." She urged him on.

The red-haired boy produced a bushel of dafodils from his robes, "May I do the honors of escourting you to prom?" He said nerviously, "Ms Granger." He adds looking into her brown eyes.

"Yes you may!" She exclaimed giving him a huge hug, "Did you plan this by any chance?"

Ron blushed, "Well... yes I did really, I wanted this to be simple." He responded, "I didn't want to ask you in public either, 'cause if you'd have siad no I'd totally understand. I didn'f want to put any pressure on you, by doing the serading, announcing to the school thing." He explained.

She hugged him, he knew her so well. In fact he knew her better then she knew herself! What are best friends for? She wanted to be more then just friends though, she had like him for so long. As they continued to walk she spoted a near by pond, memories started to flood her mind.

"Remeber that time back when were kids?" She aksed him suddenly, "The time when we first met." She clarified her point.

He smile sheepishly at the question, "I was such a prat back then, honestlly." He addmited, "I was so mean to you, I really did feal guitly after that. I was very rude and inconcderate."

"Its fine Ron, what's in the past is in the past." She told him looking on ward, admiring the view for the spackling water.

It was all those years ago, she bearly held any resentment toward him, maybe back then she did, but right now thing were different. An and all anger harbored by the bushy haired you lady has been depleated over the years that they grew on to be close friends.

Only time will tell if they'll ever be more then just close friends.

Neville's pov:
"What's on you're mind, Nev?" Luna asked a foggy eyed Neville Longbottom, "You seem like you're a thousand miles away."

He stared at the younger gril, a tad neveriously then he normally should, then he let out his signature cute smile. Like I said before he wasn't the mosr confident young man around, but he had enough when the time was right.

He looked at her and said, "I was just thinking about prom." This sent his girlfriend into a fit of giggles.

"Anything in particilar you want to ask." She stated with a little smile, "I'm all ears."

He couldn't help but laugh at her childish teasing of him, "Would you Ms Lovegood grace this shy fellow as to be his date to prom?" He asked flauntly trying to sound like a classy English man.

All the paople passing by were looking at the young couple, and they seemed to be pleased and/or amused with the special and the definite display of love and fondness displayed before their very eyes.

"Why of course good sir." She soon replied giggling at his obvious show, "I would love for you to be my escourt to Prom." This earned the couple a few cheers from the now on goers, both didn't mind as it was their way to show that they loved each other.

As they stared into each other's eyes they closed the distance between them, Nevill was lost in a clear thoughtless mind as her lips toughed his own, it was a slow yet tender kiss. He cherished this moment for what it was, and what will happen in his future.

"I wonder what the others are doing right now." Said Luna, "It is a beautiful day after all." She added giving him a kiss.

He smiled, "I pet they're just having some fun for themselves." He replied, "Gettin some free time."

Then they heard a voice call, "Hey there you two, I thought I'd see you here." It was Seamus with Katie, "I see Nevill finally plucked up his courage. Congrats you two." Katie said.

"Hey to you two as well. How as it been?" Neville greeted back, "Fancy see you two here." Added Luna giving them a hug.

Katie smiled, "Well we're fine, its been a hectic week." She stated, "Its good to get some breathing room." Said Seamus.

The two couples talked and laugh the rest of the day, walking around the gardens of Hogwarts high. Time seemed to pass for them as the sun set, the brezze was getting colder as night came, the group decided to walk back to the halls of the school.

Dinner was a great time for the eight friends as they all laughed and talked, Neville was having a great time, it felt like old times to him, back when they didn't have problems and were just enjoying themselves. He hoped the next years to come would be like this one.

Only time will tell...

I am back! Sorry guys school's been very demanding of my time lately and well events are coming in so I can't write my books ver often. But I'll be updating this soon again, this book will have some bonus chapter after the end. I'll leave more details on those chaps in the near future, just stay tuned!

A shout out to... ginny_weasley21 thank you for the follow.

Live, Love, Hope.

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