Thy Heart where Thy Love Blongs

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'We are all human, we can't all be heores. One man does not make a sumeprman."

Ronald Bilius Weasley

Somehow it had been clearer then the clearest skies, he had never thought it possible, but here he sat his gazed locked on his best mate who was so lost in thought, if no a little glazed in the eyes. Ron knew his best mate was in love, is his smile didn't have any meaning to it.

He asked, "Penny for you thoughts, Harry?"

His younger friend shook his head, "I think these thoughts are more then a penny's worth Ron."

"What were you thinking about mate?" Asked Neville.

"I was just thinking about how much as changed over the last month. I mean I've never felt better, actually I haven't felt this great since that.. well er, you know."

Hermione patted his back, "We do know Harry, and we're glad your pulling youself back up again. If anything its great that you anf Ginny are becoming close again."

"I  am glad to have her back in my life again, its been far too long, it seems like it had been ages since."

"Interesting how fate seems to change im time." Stated Luna in an air of mistery.

She had thought right of course. Fate did seem to change course in a span of time, to Ron if this moment didn't prove the accuracy of thay statement, then what else did? He knew his friend had though a long the same lines as he did, he noticed Harry was once again lost in his own thoughts, then the red head heard him sigh rather fomdly. Had he heard him right?

"What are you thinking about mate?" Asked Nerville curiously.

"Nothing. Just something Ginny said."

They all truned to him, some what perplexed. The older brother just stared at the green eyed boy, what had his sister said that left Harry thinking.

Hermione asked for them all, "What did she say.

That ghost of a smile Harry had, said that Ginny's words -whatever they were- had meant something to him, and hit his best mate grately.

"There is always hope for change."

Seeing his smile widen a bit made Ron thought more about this situation, he saw that Hermione and Luna had tears in their eyes, while Neville looked thoughtful. Again he realized that somethings really did happen for a reason, and that fate somehow played a bigger part in their liver more then they all had time to think.

And deep inside he knew that it will all good tidings from then onward.

Harry James Potter

The green eyed teen walked a long the lake, the November was slowly feezing its way to December and Christmas was almost upon them, he had his gifts ready and one special proposal he was saving up. His trek came to hault when he saw Ginny running from MALFOY! She looked rather threatening to Harry, he knew she could handle herslef, if living with six brother didn't prove enough, then what could.

He di not like the smirk the blonde kid wore, and the way he was struting to her.

"Stay away Malfoy!" She yelled, "I am not like those girls you and Thomas mess with."

Indeed she wasn't, if that threat proved something. It was that Ginny Weasley was one tough coockie.

Malfoy's expression truned predatory, "And that is what I love about you."

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