His Broken Heart

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'Sometimes the person you're looking for might just be right where your not looking. Other times they are just right in front of you.'

Ginevra Molly Weasley

She is the youngest and only girl of seven siblings, yet she is no one young woman you would want to mess with. Let me put this way, you'd be a brave soul to face her fiery temper, yes.. living with six brothers has truly toughened her up. Her family was a close bunch, with unmistakable red hair. She was a kind hearted girl, whitty humor and a smart mind,

She was close with Ron- one of her many brothers - and his group of friends, they knew each other since their childhood. And she her eyes set on one Harry Potter, she had a school gril cush in their elementary years, but that all changed when he saved her from a piosonous viper in her sixth grade. She's famcied him since them, they grew closer over the years, but they were never more then just friends.

She was to absorbed in her thoughts, that she hadn't noticed the last staircase as she climbed her way up, causing her trip and fall into someone's arms. She felt her ankle thobe in pain, it had been twisted during her fall.

She heard a nonchalant voice say, "You should watch out next time, you could have been hurt worse."

"Sorry. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that last step." She said as she tried to stand up.

"Just be careful next time."

"I know, thanks for your help." She said looking down feeling flustered by the situation.

She gathered her things, with the help of this unknown person. Still looking dowm she said...

"Thank you again."

She continued her to her dorm with discomfort, she winced in pain. She felt a strong arm keeping her steady, she unknowing sliped her own arm around his neck.

"You're hurt." The boy said in the same indifferent tone.

She gritted her teeth, "Gee, when did you figure that out." She remarked rather sarcastically.

He chuckled, "Well.. alright let me help you to your dorm, yeah."

She just nodded, the pain in her ankle throbing. He supported her all the way to her dorm just as he had said, she opened the door as they got to her dorm, he helped to her to an arm chair and got her things from her placinf them on the coffee table. Then she looked up meeting his familiar Emerald eyes, she gasped.

"Harry?" She whipered uncertainly.

He just nodded, "Ginny." He mumbled.

"Thank you, again. I didn't mean to be any trouble, really."

"No problem. Just be carful next time, yeah."

"It's sprained."

He placed her sprained ankle on a small, push footrest, and started to fix it. She groaned in pain as she felt the bones returm to their notmal places, he carefully massaged her angle to ease the pain a little, applying some cooling gel onto his hands, she winced every now end them. She sighed in relief afterward.

"Thank you, Harry."

He rubbed the back of his neck uncetainly, "No problem, Ginny."

"How have you been?" She asked softly.

There was silence, as he move to sit on the couch across from her, he didn't answer directly.

"I'm fine." He answered.

She frowmed at his nonchalance, "Honestly. Harry I know you're not fine. It had been two years since the incident..." She stopped short as his eyes met hers.

His eyes were narrowed, dangerously dark. She instantly regreted her words, fearing what he would say next.

"What do you want me say?! That I feel like utter crap, she messed me up, Ginny!" Then he broke down sagging in his chair.

Her eyes widened, "Oh, Hary." She whipered saddly.

"I've gotta go." He said is face viod of all emotion.

"Harry, wait...."

"Bye Ginny."

She just stared at his retreating figure, walking out of her dorm, she had tears in her eyes. What has she done? All she had wandted to do was talk to him, they hadm't spoken to each other since the incident, he hadn't spoken to anyone in two years.

She had just opened the wounds to his broken heart....

Uh oh.... this can't be, no definately not! Hinny is love, Hinny is life. Harry's facing off his past once again, a lone amd broken, Ginny.. what is she gonna do? Oh my... this isn't, well..... I don't what else to say.

Oh dear... oh dear, oh good golly dear.

[ Me and My Broken Heart by Rixton ]

Guess that's all I say,

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