Never Be a Lone (Bonus Chapter #3)

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Never Be Alone (bonus chapter #3)

Harry Potter:
It had been 15 years since they were married, they now had their own children, three of them- two boys and one girl- and their godson to care for, Harry Potter had his whole life ahead of him and now with his wife lived with happiness and love. Ginny Weasley, now Potter was the only woman he had his eyes on, the only woman who had his heart.

It was a rainy spring day, light showers were falling outside the Potter household as the children were all indoors reading a book or watching TV shows, while the couple stayed out in the balconey with cups of warm tea in their hands.

"I can't believe Teddy's already graduating collage imagine that!" Said Ginny awe struck, "And James' already starting out in his elementary years."

"The kids are growing up so fast, and I'm not even fifty yet." Harry chuckles taking a sip of tea, "I certainly don't remember us growing up this fast when we were their age. Time always seemed to be slow."

Ah, time such a great entity it is indeed. Something so greatly predicted, yet is also somewhat unfortold. The wonders it shows the human mind, through the speed of centuries.

She smiled at him, "I know what you mean." She says looking into his bright emeralds, "It had been 15 years, 20 if you add our dating years. And still I couldn't help but fall in love with you like it was the first time."

She walked to the endge of the balconey, holding onto the railing, Harry walked behind her warpping his arms around her and holding her close.

He held her close, "I feel the same way about you, my love." He whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too." She replied turning in his arms.

Harry leaned down and placed his lips on Ginny's, the kiss was sweet, passionate and filled with desire. His arms tightened around her waist, while her hands ran through his hair, they both smiled through the kiss. He carried her off the ground, leading the red head to wrap her legs around his torso.

"We haven't done this in so long." He whispered voice husky, "I want you, princess." This made her shiver in delight.

"What about the kids?" She asked through batted breaths, "Harry I want you."

He placed her down pulling away from the heated kiss, he held her hand in his and walked her to their room, by the time the door closed their lips were locked together, his lips soon moved down tracing sweet kisses down her neck, she was working on his shirt pulling up and over his head.

"Are you sure Gin?" Harry asked his eyes glowing with pant up desire for this woman, the woman he loved.

"Please Harry." She purred voice filled undeniable pleasure for him.

He grumbled in answer to her words, lifting her up and wrapping her legs around his waist, he slipped off her blouse running his hands down her sides, she runs her fingers through his defined chest, feeling his strong muscles.

Let us just say they made love and weren't seen 'til evening...

{The next day}
The green eyed man found himself at Hogs head inn, grabbing a few drinks with his best mate, they were off early from work that afternoon so they both decided to catch a few drinks before heading back to the station to fill out some paperwork.

"How are you and Ginny doing, mate?" Asked Ron with smile as he drank from his mug of fire whiskey.

"We're doing great, the kids have been a hand full but not too much to handle. You and 'Mione must be doing swell?" Harry said smiling back at his brother-in-law.

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