A Romanic Experiance

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A Romantic Experience

Hermione's pov:
Word spread quickly about Harry and Ginny becoming a couple, a week had passed since the younger boy had asked the red head to be his girlfriend. Hermione had been nothing more but delighted about the news. Ron, Luna and Neville had been happy about the news as well, seeing how much happier it made the couple to finally be together.

It was a nice day out so the six friends decided to have a picnic by the lake, there end of term exams had just ended so now they enjoying a very much needed break. Ginny sat in between Harry's left while he had his legs on either side of her, his arm around her waist. Hermione had to let out a smile at the sight, this the Harry that they have missed these past years and they were glad to have him back.

"How have you guys been?" Neville asked the group. "We haven't seen much of each other last week, what with our end of term exams it was kinda hard to meet up." He adds.

Ron just shook his head, "Fine I guess." He responded, "Nothing big really happened. Well... except for the fact that Ginny and Harry are together." The older boy grinned at the sight of his best mate and sister.

"And what a romantic experience will it be for both of them." Remarked a pleased Luna, "They do certainly make a perfect couple. This one will be for the long run." She added.

Neville looked thoughtful, "I guess it will, Luna." He said, "It surely looks like it. It seems like fate has brought them both together in the right time."

"Very thoughtful of you Nev." Said Hermione beaming, "Only time will tell." She adds.

But they all knew that their friends will last long in their relationship, they've both been through so much to end up to this day. To end up together at last, through all the heartbreak, the trails and tribulations they have fought the odds so end up to the here and now.

Then Ron broke out into a grin, "Our families are already betting on when they're gonna get married! It was a good laugh to see Sirius and James have bettiing wars with the twins." He laughed remembering how his brother Bill had told him over the letter, "Mum and Lily are already talking about the ceremony and reception! Dad is trying to keep the boys from smuggling too much alcohol into the reception, I doubt he could can keep it up though." He adds laughing.

"Good to know your families are supportive. At least they're having fun." Hermione says smiling at him, "You know what its such a nice day, why don't we do something fun?" She asked them.

Neville looked at her curiously, "What did you have in mind?" He asked, "What can we possibly do at a time like this?" He adds.

"Oh Neville! There a lot of things to do here!" Luna exclaimed, "How about we row a boat in the forest? Then go horse back riding, I hear there is nice field behind that forest." She suggested merriment playing in her eyes.

Then Harry spoke up, "That's a good idea Luna!" He exclaimed, "I've been wanting to go horse back riding of a while." He tells them.

"Off we go then!" Said Ginny holding onto his arm, "No use waiting all this precious time, while we have it."

After keeping their picnic set they walked off to the boats and rowed to the forest across, Hermione noted the luscious greens that filled the area, and the glowing sunlight streaking through the trees. They ended walking into a huge field filled with horses. Each guy picked a horse and offered the ladies a ride with them, Hermione of course agreed to ride with Ron seeing as she fancied him.

It was indeed a romantic experience, as the late afternoon air brushed through the bushels of grass under them.

Neville's pov:
Neville Longbottom wasn't the most confident guy around, he was clumsy I can tell you that, but not too bad on the looks. He had brown hair, sparkling brown eyes and had developed a few muscles through the years, he had his shy but unquestionably cute personality.

His friends had always been there for him, through think and thin, they were his family as well they were like siblings in all but blood. His thoughts shifted to Luna Lovegood, I'll do the descriptions later, he has fancied this girl for two years! Yet he was too scarred to admit his feelings to her. What he didn't know was that she felt the same way!

"Someone's drifting off." That dreamy voice had said, "Where did you go." Luna said as she tightened her grip on his torso.

He just shook his head, "Nowhere really, just lost in my thoughts." He answered, "In my thoughts of you." He adds in his mind.

He then stopped the horse as they approached a near by pond, he got off and helped Luna down as well. They walked around the small pond studying the different plants and animals around them.

"Have you ever fancied someone?" He asked all of a sudden, "You know like your thoughts always go to them when you're not think of anything else." He adds looking at the blonde haired girl.

Luna nodded, "Now that you've mentioned it, yes I have." She told him taking a step closer, "But it had always been one boy, we are great friends. I've known him since I was in fifth grade."" She adds taking his hand.

"Oh really now." He said nervously as he felt sparks run through his body when their fingers touched, "I bet he's a great guy." He pulls on hand causing her to spin into his arms.

She smiled at his bold move, "Yes he is." She answered looking in to his brown eyes, "Clumsy, cute and rather handsome." She said giggling.

Then as if it was all planed, they slowly leaned in, Neville chose to meet her half way, she placed a hand on his jaw and pulled his lips to hers, sealing their first kiss. It was everything both of them had thought and dreamed about, it was sweet, tender and filled with love. Then they pulled away eyes glistening with happiness.

"Luna Lovegood." Neville said a goofy grin on his face, "Will o=you be my girlfriend?" He asked a tad nerviously.

She grinned at him, "Neville Longbottom." She responded kissing his sweet lips once again, "I'd be honored."

And so there they stood his arms around her waist, hers around his neck staring into each others eyes, only the sounds of their stead breathing and natures musical melodies filling the air. This is that start of their a romantic experience that will only grow as they age.

For Neville this was the start of something new.

Right here we are the 10th chapter of this book! Wow half way to the end, guys! Thank you for the support through your votes and comments, it really does warm my heart to see you all enjoy my writing.

This is dedicated to all of you for helping reach the half mark of this book. You all deserve dedications and more really, you all are great people no lie there. So here is a chapter for all of you!

We all live to please the people around us(well maybe not all the time, though),

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