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"Leighton, I-I..." I studder, unable to find the right words to say.
The loud speakers startles us, causing us to both jump up. Pakston and Calvin run in instantly, clearly startled too. Before I even move, Pakston crouches down and flings me onto his shoulders. Riding him like a horse, I duck down as we exit the doorway.
        Arriving at the Central Town Gardens, the statue of our SCA leader Stefausic Grey, has been broken down, his remains dispersed on the ground. The area is a square, with bases around the edges with the Gardens in the middle. Transport and the Pass-through buildings are the only two oddly shaped, Transport being triangular and Pass-through rectangular. The buildings lie next to only exit in town, which lead to the second part of moon civilization. The town that lies next to us, the only other town, is called Polarae. A big grey storage container lies blocking the exit, seeming to be used as a stage. We all sit down on the pavement around the container which has five men standing on it, laughing and swaying. The men start to jump, creating a shrieking noise, causing everyone to fall silent.
"Welcome everybody, I'm Weston." Says a tall lean brown haired boy.
"Hello everyone I'm Travis." Says short, red headed skinny boy.
"I'm Kyle." Says a tall, brown headed boy. He gives a wave and steps off to the side.
"Asher." he laughs, his dark brown skin shimmering under the lights of the buildings.
"Xavier." Yells a blonde, muscular boy. They all step aside, and look down at the makeshift side stairs. A blond boy walks up the stairs and heads to the mic.
"I'm your leader, Jesse. And this is my assistant, Weston." He says, Gesturing towards Weston.
I turn to Calvin and Pakston, who are holding hands sitting crisscross.
"Why didn't he tell us?"I question. Calvin shrugs, while Pakston remains in incoherent, picking at his nails. Jesse begins to speak with a hint of urgency and pride.

"Today is the first day of a new era, we will start our own civilization that will be better than what the SCA created. First orders of business we have agreed on, 1)We will collect all supplies and evenly distribute them. This rule does not apply to medicine, we will collect and only prescribe them if the situation is dire. 2) You can have boyfriends and husbands. Your sexuality does not matter. You are free to love who you want to love regardless. 3) Distribution team members are no longer needed, so they will join the agricultural team or be base officers to help ramp up production of goods as well as keep it safe around here. 4) You will not be able to visit Polarae, they are their own place. 5) No execution is aloud, only hard labor or detainment time will be issued in the result of a crime. Any questions?" He points to a girl in the front raising her hand.

"Who put you in charge? I think we should have some female representation....Some balance in the system maybe? a girl with short black hair questions. The crowd breaks out and chatters amongst themselves until they are beckoned to become silent.

"That is all the information I have for today, thank you for being a great audience. You may all return to your bases. From now on curfew is at 22:30. Anyone who breaks the rule will serve a week in detainment." Shouts Weston. The crowd begins to break, and I find myself being tugged along by Pakston and Calvin who are eager to get home.
I run into base to give Calvin enough space to kiss Pakston goodnight. As Calvin begins his way home, Pakston opens the door with a dazed look.
"We're finally free." He sighs looking at his hand. His hand now has a gold ring with a star, and a small message that reads to be P&C.

None of us can sleep. We all find ourselves in the main room, sitting quietly chattering about the new news. The door opens, and Jesse saunters in with his classic smile. He walks over to the boys room and picks up a bag.
"Leaders are moving into the transport building. It will be the Capitol building from now on." Jesse picks up the bag and flings it on his shoulder. No one knows how to react but Pakston breaks the silence.
"With the new rules, and you leaving of course, can Calvin move in? Can we also switch bedrooms around?"
"I don't see why not."he replies, shutting the door. Alicia picks up and flips my colored purple rhino. She draws out a map of our base, detailed to the letter. She points to the boys and girls rooms.
"Zoe and I want to share a room. Pakston can come with us. We can move the bed out of the boys room."
"Me and Calvin are a package deal." Counters Pakston
"I don't want to hear any monkey business though..."
"No promises."
"You guys disgust me." I add
"Wait so me and Caleigh have to share a room?" Says Leighton
"Oh...yeah I guess..." Says Zoe awkwardly, looking down at the floor. Everyone looks towards me waiting for a reaction. I just sit there, my face emotionless.

By the time we are all settled in, it's 2:00 a.m. After hours of moving and repositioning. After changing into my maroon night shirt, I crawl into bed close my eyes. I wasn't yet sleeping when I feel a hand come around me.
Then a warm body settles itself down right next to me. The soothing sounds of his breath calm me, and I begin to fall asleep. I don't mind I think to myself, he's a pretty good boyfriend after all.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2016 ⏰

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