7)Bananas and knives

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     The cold air hits my face, while my thoughts nestle and weave themselves through every part of my brain. I don't understand, how could they leave us like this? We are nothing now but forgotten caged animals, with only glimmers of hope to rely on now. I open the door to base to see Pakston holding his boyfriend, Calvin's hands and staring into his eyes. The way Pakston looks into Calvin's eyes is how every person wants to be looked at. He looks at you with more than just understanding, but passion and desire. With no SCA officers to catch them, they are freed love birds.
"Pakston stop starring into his soul, you might steal it if you look hard enough." I protest.
"Try me bitch." He sassily says, waving his hands and snapping his fingers.
"You know better than to be coming around here! You know I'm unavailable because this here love monkey already stole my bananas." Calvin replies, laughing his genuinely friendly laugh.
"Thanks for the visual but your in my Jungle now and I'm panther so I don't eat bananas." I say, sitting down across the table from them in a kitchen stool.
"So your a lesbian? Because you don't eat bananas..." Calvin chuckles.
"That came out so wrong, I like bananas but only bananas that don't like other bananas." I reply, carefully rethinking what I've said. "You know what I hate fruit. and meat so I'm going to stay alone forever and you can all suck it." I conclude, as Calvin and Pakston get up, and exit the room, giggling amongst themselves.
Remaining there for only a second, I turn around and walk into a big body. I recognize the body to be Leightons, and begin to feel a wave of disgust come over me. I begin to back up towards the oven and cabinets.
"Caleigh, we need to talk. For real, this isn't us." He declares, inching closer in baby steps. I keep backing up until I hit the counter top, and start to feel behind me looking for anything to use as a weapon.
"I'm done talking." I say sternly. I begin to pull out he drawer behind my back slowly, hoping for him not to notice.
"C'mon I'm done with these games. I think-" just then I pull out a knife and swipe it across his cheek. He belts out a squeal, grabbing his cheek.
"Sorry but I'm done talking to you. You stay away from me, I've told you I don't want anything to do with you. I want you out of my life." I say sternly. Just then, Jesse, Zoe and Alicia come running in.
"What's going on?" Zoe says. "We heard a scream."
"She swiped me with a knife." Leightons says, releasing his bloody hand from his face. I stand there, putting on my best resting bitch face, looking out the window. Alicia rushes over with a dish towel and presses it onto Leighton's face.
"Nice cut though, it follows right under his right cheekbone." Jesse laughs.
"Why the would you attack him with a knife? Your a psychologically unstable parasite who will hurt us all. You better give me a good reason not to tell the SCA and have them haul your sorry ass outta here." Zoe says, looking dead into my eyes. "You know wha-"
"Let her speak Zoe. I'm sure she'll enlighten us." Jesse intrudes.
"Anyway they're is no SCA anymore, they left." I reply.
"Your insane." Zoe chuckles.
"They running out of supplies on Earth and can no longer support us. We're on our own. I just got back from transport." I shutter, thinking of all the possibilities of death. "We'll I guess the pressing question is why I attacked him. I told him not to come near me, and he got to close for comfort. So I gave him a reminder of why you don't mess with me." I say solemnly. "But it's not like you guys care about me anyway." I storm off into the living room and place a pillow on my lap. I tilt my head up to the sealing and rest my head on the back of the couch. I close my eyes and envision a body of transparent white water. In the water there is a tree, with branches that bend over and are covered in blue flowers. The sky is pink and cloudy, with clouds like bright pink pillows. Suddenly the water begins to ripple and sway, and the once white water starts turning gray. From gray it fades into black. The black becomes opaque. The tree begins to bloom yellow flowers and the branches begin to lift. I open my eyes dazed and confused by a sudden movement.
"They just broadcasted about the SCA leaving. The civilization is being altered and changed. A man named Weston has taken power and he will run everything from now on." He delicately whispers.
"Didn't you get the memo I don't want you near me. What's also stopping me from grabbing the knife and cutting a clean line on your left cheekbone...? I mutter examining his movements closely.
"Well if you must know, Alicia moved the knifes to safer location." I sit up, listening carefully to his words. I find myself sighing. And rolling my eyes. With a swift movement he grabs the front of my shirt and pulls me in. His grip is tight, and his face is serious.
"Now listen up princess, you've had your fun. You think your all high and mighty but your not so get over yourself. You've got a baby on the way and we've both got to get our acts together if we want to make this work...' He pauses briefly. "We both have to do this for the sake of our child." He whispers intently. With that, he tossed me a pill bottle.
"I'm done with this. I want to be there for you and our child. I don't care if you won't ever speak to me again but darling you're all I've got and I can't stand not to be the best parent or boyfriend. You deserve nothing but the best and I hope you realize that I'll never give up trying to please you. I'll take as many more knife cuts or kicks to the gut as you can give but no matter what I will always love you. Your the only one I've ever loved. He releases me as his words begin to seep deep into my skin. I sit they're, paralyzed by his words and frozen in a stream of emotion.

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