Newt Imagine (6)

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** imagine while you and Minho run through the maze, you were stung by a Griever... **

  "Y/n, stop!" Minho screeched angrily and sadly as you lead the Griever away from him.

  You say nothing and keep running. The whole time you heard your loud heartbeat, you were scared, and getting a little out of breath.

  As you ran, time passed, and as time passed, you got closer, and closer to what lay ahead for you.

  A closing wall was ahead, you'd kill the Griever. You ran as fast as you could to it, as you did, the Griever started to roll, and then you slid in between the wall, just as the Griever reached out, and stingers spread all over your back. You threw your body out and onto the ground, watching the Griever scream in anger as it was squashed.

  "Minho!" You screeched before you went to blacked out.


  "Y/n." You looked up to see a woman with (e/c) eyes, and hair just like yours. "You have to go." She says, and kisses your head. "I love you, and I'm going to be proud of you."


  "What happened?" Newt asks Minho as he, Thomas, and Minho himself help carry you to the Medjacks, you go inside and Jeff and Clint are about to go to work, but your back had been stung, and you started to flail on the bed in pain.

  "Lay her over!" Minho yelled, and tugged your body on your stomach.

  "Was she stung?" Newt asks.

  "Possibly. I wasn't there."

  Jeff lifted the back of your shirt to expose purple, blue, and dark red veins spread all over the sting.

"Oh shuck." Minho muttered.

  Newt sucked in a breath from shock and backed away, Thomas's face turned concerned.

  "Strap her arms down." Jeff ordered, and pulled off belt from his waist, he handed it to Newt who just stared at your body in shock. "Newt, help us!" Jeff ordered. By us, he meant you and him, he kind of snapped out of his terrified daze and wrapped the belt around your torso and arms, and Jeff buckled you in. "We will she make it?" Newt mutters quietly. Jeff ignores him and starts cleansing the wound as best as he can. "Well?" Newt says more sternly. His voice became deep and loud. Shocked looks were thrown at him from Minho and Thomas.

"We can only hope."

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