∆ Austin, The Crap God ∆

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Arianna's P.O.V

After we separated our ways, Holly and I decided that we bunk class. I wouldn't want to interrupt Mr. Ives during his Math class.

I wouldn't dream of.

Holly was too lazy to walk to her Physics classroom so she too agreed. We were on our way to the football stadium, when we passed the janitor's closet.

''Do you hear that ?'' Holly asked me. True enough, a series of disgusting moans were heard from the closet.

''Probably some couple doing the deed. Come on, let's go. If I stay here a second longer, I'mma puke.'' I gave her my best disgusting expression and was gonna walk away when a voice from the closet made me freeze.

''Hmm, Austin. Harder.'' said a deep female voice, who seemed like she was breathless. I immediately looked at Holly to see her shooting me a worried glance.

''I'm not sure if we have many Austin's in our school...'' Holly trailed off and came closer to me. Could it possibly be him ? Even though I was dip-shit sure it was him, I didn't want it to be him. Could he possibly have returned to his player ways ? I gulp and let out a short breath.

''No, it can't be..'' I bit my lower lip hard and ran my tongue across it, when I felt the metallic taste. Maybe this was his intention. Making me fall for him so that he can get in my pants. But now when his plan failed, he's back to how he was. I look down, not wanting my glazing eyes to make contact with Holly's.

''Hey.'' Holly said and placed a hand on my shoulder. ''I don't want you to cry over something that's not worth. Maybe it's someone else, ya'know. Research says that atleast 9 people around the world have your same name. Let's just ho-''

We heard a zipping noise and the door opened to reveal none other than His Highness, in all his glory. He looked at Holly and then at me, his lips parting slightly. I snatch Holly's arm and walk to the stadium in The Flash speed. Seeing his dumb face just makes me go insane. Not the love-struck girl insane, but the red-bull insane.

I sit in the third row, with Holly alongside me. ''It was him.'' was all that could come out of my mouth. I stare at the players, who were excercising.

''Yeah, but I guess he regretted it. His facial expression said it all. When he saw yo-''

''But, he did it ! All he ever wanted was to get in my pants. I believed his lies. I believed him. He doesn't regret a single thing, Holly.''

''But, Ari. One question.'' she raised her index finger. ''If he wanted to get in your pants, why would he say that he doesn't like you ? Wouldn't he continue to pretend until he gets what he wants ?''

Now, that made sense. So, why ? Why so early ? ''I don't know, Holly. I need to hate him for what he did, but I can't bring myself to. In fact, I care about him. A lot.''

''There's more to this. We need to know what's going on.''

''We'll have to seek help from someone that's very close to him. Maybe Chase or Ryan might know. They seem pretty close. ''

''Er-We, Yeah... But they're just friends. Austin doesn't seem like the person who'd share his life story with others. So maybe, his siblings...'' she made a duck face and tilted her head.

''He has a sister, but...'' I trailed off. Austin trusted me and shared his greatest secret with me, so must I betray him and tell her ? No, if I do, then I'll be as bad as him. Betraying others. What difference would be there between us ?

''Holy shit ! Austin has a sister ?'' Holly jumped up and asked me. Ok, so now I'm definitely denying that. Seeing her this jumpy. Although she's my best friend, she's still the Queen of Gossip.

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