5) The Bar

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Jack has his arm around my shoulder and is laughing at something Hiccup said, as we walk along a busy street, Hiccup and Merida are holding hands and Flynn is giving Punzie a piggy back ride. I look into Jacks blue eyes and he looks at me, his smiles and kisses me, all I can smell is his strawberry gum, I blush as I notice the others are staring at us. I see the bar and we all walk in, Jack pulls me closer to him. And we walk over to the barista and get some drinks, 'Hi. I'm Hans.' He says, I'm facing Jack, but when I hear that name I turn around in shock. No. Not him. Not here.

Hey guys!!
Sorry this part was so short!! I've been really busy with school and stuff. I'll try and post more soon. Xxx

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