32) Back To Normal?

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^^^tis just ma favorite song you should all listen to and love cause its great cough cough


We're driving back to the hospital, I've just taken the pills and I look over at jack 'babe?'


'Can you do something for me..?'

'What is it princess?'

'Um- can you start taking your medicine again?'

'Wha- why??'

'Because you're acting crazy..'






I'm a bit shocked with how easily he agreed, but I decide not to think about it to much. Maybe he knows he's been a crazy dickhead since I got back.

Dont get me wrong, I love him. But this isn't him. This is just apart of him taking over the rest.

We pull up outside our house and walk in, he goes into the kitchen and takes 2 pills, I smile and kiss him on the cheek. He smiles back and puts me on the counter.

'I love you, you know that right?'

'Mhm, I love you too'

I smile as his soft lips touch mine in an innocent kiss.

I know he loves me, and I love him. But im scared of what will happen if I annoy him to much while he's off his pills...

I know he would never want to hurt me but what if he flips out?

I try not to think about it to much.

He's taken his pills

They'll kick in soon.

Everything will be fine.

~the next day~

I wake up at 8:00am with no alarm, jacks still asleep so I go down stairs and make some pancakes. At 8:17 I feel some hands go round my waist and I smile

'Hey beautiful' he says into my hair with a sleepy voice that makes my heart melt, I put the pancake im making right now on a plate and turn around, he's shirtless wearing nothing but boxers and a stupid grin.

I giggle and put my hands round his neck 'what are you laughing at?' He says with a smirk

I think about telling him that its how adorable yet hot he is but instead I just go on my tiptoes and kiss his lips and we both smile through the kiss.

'I need to go to work today' he says and I realise its Monday, 'I've been off for about a month and there's a bunch of stuff I need to do' he says and I nod before turning around and giving him some pancakes with golden syrup and butter on top just like he likes them

he smiles and takes them then pecks me on the cheek 'thank you snowflake'

I pick up my pancakes after putting on chocolate sauce and strawberry's

We sit at the table eating in our underwear and jack tells me about stuff he needs to do at work and i tell him about the fact that punzie is getting a puppy.

When we finish he picks up our plates and takes them to the sink, 'go get changed' he says before kissing me on the cheek again and walking over to wash the dishes

I go upstairs and get a pale blue lacey dress with a white belt and some bracelets and a ring.

Then i start doing my hair, i decide to do a braid at the front and the rest in a pony tail, jack walks in while im doing it.

'Hello beautiful' he says and I smile 'wanna come to work with me today?'

'Yeah! Id love to' I smile, jacks work is fun, I can hang out with jack and Hiccup and Flynn and Kristoph and help out a bit.

As we walk outside jack sees the sun is still quite low and smiles, getting out his phone and taking a picture of me I realise he did so and blush, then look at it.

As we walk outside jack sees the sun is still quite low and smiles, getting out his phone and taking a picture of me I realise he did so and blush, then look at it

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'Mm, might have to post that one' he says and i roll my eyes, jack wore a suit with a tie the exact same color as my dress

'Mm, might have to post that one' he says and i roll my eyes, jack wore a suit with a tie the exact same color as my dress

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We hop in a blue convertible and start driving to Frost. Co

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