Part 6

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*in the hospital*

A doctor came over and took us into a room. I sat on the ugly grey bed.

"Ok, so you need stiches. Do you what anethsetic or not?"

"No thanks." I meant no thanks to the stitches not anethsetic. I held Justins hand and squeezed it when the doctor stitched up my head.

"Ouch!" Justin said.

"Sorry!" I said and loosened my grip on his hand. Once the doctor had finished he gave some paracetomol for the pain.

"Thank you" I said and litterally ran out of the hospital. I had hospitals the rooms are so small and they smell wierd they also remind me of my little sister who died when she was 9. Justin ran after me.

"Why'd you leave so fast shawty?" He asked.

"It's just.. hospitals remind me of...Oh never mind." I said about to cry.

"Tell me when we get home?" He asked. I nodded.

"Okay..." I didn't say anything for the whole rest of the ride home.

We got to the house and I walked ino my room to check out my ugly stitches. My jaw dropped when I looked in the mirror and saw Justin walking towards me. He hugged me from behnd and sat on the bed pulling me down with him. I giggled.

"So are you gonna tell me about what happened at the hospital?" He said kissing my neck.

"OK OK just stop!" I said laughing. He didn't stop. "Justin!" I said. "Stop it!" He continued to kiss my neck . I leaned my head back and kissed his lips. I forced his mouth open. He fell onto the bed and I leaned over him still kissing him. He enjoyed it and kissed me back more wanting. The bedroom door opened but neither of us realised. A few minutes later someone coughed. I looked up. Scooter.

"I'm really happy you two are getting along but seriously don't you think this is a little bit too quick?" He said.

"Not really. I love her!" Justin said. I smiled.

"Urgh! Whatever! Justin just remember you gotta get up early tomorrow morning." Scooter left and I looked at the time. Only 8:40pm. I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. I climbed in and let the water just run down my body. It felt good. I did the routine. Body,Hair,Teeth. Then went back into the room I grabbed a pair of pyjamas.

"Do you really need them?" Justin asked smiling.

"Actually yeah. It's pretty cold tonight." Justin shrugged his shoulders. he walked into the bathroom and came back out wearing a pair of boxers. I was already in bed on my phone talking to Molly.

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