Part 25

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Outfits (Connie, Rawnie, Justin)

We all got ready and made our way to the restraunt, it was my favourite resturant that I hadn't been to in ages. I smiled.

"Justin , how did you know I wanted to go here?"

"You've been going on about it for ages"

"Mama, Dada, Food." Rawnie babbled, ok it wasn't exactly that clear but I knew what it meant. Justin smiled and look genuinly proud. I smiled.

"Good girl," I said pulling her out of the car seat. We walked into the resturant.

"Name?" The waiter asked not looking up from his computer.

"Bieber" Justin said politley, the waiter looked up and near enough chocked on air.

"Of course right this way sir." He said. I giggled. We followed the man to a quiet table without many people around it, good choice. I smiled and looked at the menu, I honestly don't know why I did, I order the same everytime, so does Justin: Spaghetti Bolognase!! A waitress came over and asked us if we wanted anything to drink, I asked for a Coke, Justin asked for a Lemonade and I got an Apple Juice for Rawnie. We ordered our food as well and we ate while discussing some random stuff as you do while eating in a resturant. The waitress kept coming over and pestering us, the whole time Justin didn't look at her, he kept looking at me or at his food, or at his hands.

"Connie.." I looked up at him.


"You know I love you and I never ever want to lose you, ever... and whatever happens you will always be mine right?" I nodded.

"Yeah..." I said slowly. He got up from his chair and got on one knee I gasped.

"Will you Connie Newell marry me?"

"Oh my Gosh yes !!" I screamed making everyone look at us, a few aww's here and there. I couldn't stop smiling. Justin slipped a beautiful ring on my finger. It was perfect. Just like Justin.

This was the best night of my life...

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