Part 10

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Justin walked out. I stood up.

"How'd it-" He cut me off and jumped into my arms. "Well I guess.." I said laughing. Beep!Beep! My phone went off one new message. Justin pulled away from me.

"Who is it?" He asked.

"Kim!" I said smiling. Justin was waiting for more info. "She's moving back here!" I said and hugged him.

"Great.." He mumbled.

"Wait... Connie. Kim. I thought... Oh my God can't wait to see that kid again!" Scooter said. I smiled.

"I can't wait!" Justin said obviously lying.

"Justin what's your problem? I mean really..." I said and walked out to the car. A few minutes later someone jumped on my back.

"Go away!" I said expecting it to be Justin.

"Not a nice way to say hello is it?" Someone said. I turned around.

"Oh My God!!!! Kimmie!!!!" I said and hugged her. "But I thought you weren't coming back for like a week or whatever?" I said confused. She laughed.

"I remembered you like surprises!" He said. I laughed. Scooter and Justin walked towards us. I walked off.

"Connie! Please! Wait!" Justin was walking after me. He grabbed my hand. "Please! I'm sorry. I love you I didn't mean to flip. I just thought..."

"What! You thought what... That it was just gonna be me and you! Well guess what it's not! When you get famous you are gonna have to do the whole publicity thing! You were worrying about me blowing people off Justin you're gonna have to do it too!" I stormed off home. I got the bus and got off at the park. I sat there on the swings just sat there. I heard someone walk up behind me and sit next to me. I didn't look up. I was looking at my phone. The pictures of me and Justin specifically.

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