"At home, she was asleep when I left." I nodded. "Oh, she just text me I'm gonna go, see ya!" and with that Christian also left.
"Did you call Kim, Kimberleigh-mai?" Justin asked. I nodded. He gave me a puzzled look.
"Basically, ages ago she was in a band called The Kee, double E not E-Y, and they had to pick stage names in case anything went wrong so she chose Kimberleigh-Mai, in the process of getting a contract deal somthing happened and they are no longer a band bu tI still call her Kimberleigh-Mai. Good enough explination?" Justin nodded.
"Oh yeah, my mom's coming over later." I nodded. "She said she wants to plan our wedding..." I looked away from the tv to Justin.
"Okay," I said smiling. I love Pattie, she is just amazing, and I know that if she planned our wedding it would be amazing! I just have to figure out what to say to my mom.
"What happened earlier when you went to see your mom?" Justin asked as if he read my mind.
"She... was being my mom... Justin, she wouldn't even look at Rawnie.. She barely even looked at me and when she did it was just...." I stopped talking, Justin hugged me. Tears started falling down my face, taking a trail of mascara with them. He pulled away and wiped my tears.
"Go get ready, my mom will be here soon." I walked upstairs and reapplied my makeup and changing my top. I smelt cooking. I went through to the kitchen. Justin's mom was here and in the kitchen, Justin was in the living room with Rawnie being a little kid.
"Hey Pattie." She looked up from the food.
"Hello!" She hugged me, this woman was more of a mom than my own.
"Do you need any help?" I asked after I pulled away. She thought for a little while then nodded.
I was sitting in the living room with Rawnie, I felt sorry for her, I mean she's never going to know her dad. I know she thinks I'm her dad but she looks nothing like me and she only looks a little bit like Connie. When she gets older she's going to figure something out. She walked over to me.
"Daddy! Play game with me!"
"Sure sweetie, which game?"
"How about...."
I grabbed her and put her on my shoulders. Then I ran through the house to the kitchen. Rawnie was scream/laughing. Connie turned round.
"Justin what are you doing?"
"Entertaining a certain princess obviously." I heard my mom laugh.
"Justin have you seen your dad lately? "
"No , I was gonna go see him tomorrow."
"Sure you were."
"No seriously, I wanna go see Jazzy and Jaxon." I smiled inocentley at my mom. She nodded.
"So tomorrow we go see your dad and then we come back and have a movie night?" Connie suggested. I nodded, pretty good plan.
"Food's done!" my mom said. I ran into the living room and put Rawnie in her highchair then I went to get my food and Rawnie's. Connie and my mom were walking in with their own. We all sat around the table and eat our pizza made by two amazing cooks.