Part 24

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                             (Left Connie, Middle Justin, Right Rawnie).

Next Day


I woke up and everyone else was already up, I got myself and Rawnie dressed and Justin obviously got himself dressed. We set off for the beach. It wasn't too far but instead of getting mobbed we decided to drive there. It was a relitavly quiet beach so we wouldn't get attacked. When we arrived at the beach we set up our stuff : Towels, food, drinks, Rawnie's toys etc. When Rawnie fell asleep me and Justin ran around like little kids. We ran into the sea and splashed eachother. We had a lot of fun just acting like kids. We went back and layed on the towels looking at the sky, there weren't many clouds. I grabbed one of Rawnie's toys and started playing with it. Justin gave me a 'what the hell' look.

"What ?" I asked offended. He laughed and shook his head.

"Nothing," he answered. A girl walked over she looked about 13 I smiled at her. Justin looked up from the patterns her was drawing in the sand. "Hello" he said also smiling "How can I help you?" She had a massive grin on her face.

"Oh My God, I love you so so so so sooo much, can I have a picture please?" She begged. Justin laughed and held his hand out to get a the girls phone. She handed it to him. "Can I have a picture with both of you please?" She asked looking at me. I nodded and stood on the other side of her, Justin snapped a picture.

"Here you go," Justin said. She smiled.

"Thank you!" She cheered and ran off to her family. I laughed.

"She was sweet." I said to Justin. He nodded going back to drawing in the sand. Rawnie woke up and sat herself up. I get her out of her pram and put her on a towel. She wriggled around and Justin scooped her up. He held her and let her jump up and down. I loved watching them together. I just sat there and watched my baby laughing away at my silly boyfriend. Justin was 'talking' to Rawnie. I just watched them checked my twitter. Few new mentions, one from the girl that was here earlier it read : 'Can't Believe I Saw @justinbieber Today With His Amazing Girlfriend @MyNamesConnie Thankyou !' I tweeted back to her ' You're weclome 'RT: @YouKnowMe Can't Belive I Saw @justinbieber Today With His Amazing Girlfriend @MyNamesConnie Thankyou!' '

"So, what are we doing later?" I asked Justin. He shrugged.

"We could go out for a meal?" He answered. I nodded, I had bought a new dress that I was dying to wear. He smiled.

It got to about 4 o'clock and we decided to head home, today had been a great day. I couldn't wait for tonight. I didn't know where we were eating but I think Justin had already planned it.

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