Part 23

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Justin's eyes fluttered open.

"Hello sleepy head," I kissed his head and took Rawnie from his hands. He rubbed his eyes and Kim was talking to a sleepy Christian. I left them there and took Rawnie up to her room. The house was basically mine because Carin and Scooter were never here and I always was. Justin was behind me.

"What do you wanna do tomorrow?" He asked. I layed a sleeping Rawnie in bed and turned to face Justin.

"I don't know, what about you?"

"Well I was thinking about going out, you know as a normal family, you, me and Rawnie. What'd you think?" Justin asked. I nodded.

"Where?" I asked, I was excited about going out as a family.

"Urmm... How about we go to the beach?" I nodded.

"Sure, but what about fans and stuff?" I asked. He shrugged.

"I'm going to be with you, sure , I'll ahve to stop a few times but the best fans know to leave me, why did you ask? We always go out together and you never seem to mind then," I passed him my phone showing me the mentions I got. His eyes got really big, he sighed. "You know what? I don't care what these people think, I love you, I love you both,"

"I know and I love you too," I said smiling at the floor. I know we have been dating for ages but everytime he says I love you, I get really embarrassed, just knowing that millions of girls want him to say that to them. I heard the front door shut, Kim obviously got Christian awake and they left.

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