Team 7

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Bright and early in the morning Ko went out to go to the training field her team was supposed to meet at. She was the first one there and decided to lay on a tree branch to wait for the others. Sasuke was the next to arrive, he looked up at Ko and gave her a slight nod then sat down at the base of the tree getting lost in his thoughts. Sakura and Naruto arrived at the same time looking exhausted indicating that they're not morning people. They all sat around the tree getting frustrated at Kakashi's tardiness as the hours went by. They all had a feeling that this was going to be a regular thing.

Finally, after a few hours, Kakashi arrived giving them an excuse on why he was late but neither of them believed it. Kakashi then took out two bells which made Ko's eyes widen. There had to of been a connection between the Hokage and Kakashi; the Hokage was the one who made up the training exercise. He must've been a disciple of someone who trained with the Hokage. Kakashi explained to them about the bells and told them that they needed to get the bells before the timer runs out or they won't get any lunch and fail.

Naruto tried to blindly attack Kakashi but he caught him in a second.

"Well it seems you're finally prepared to come at me with the intent to kill. So you've finally acknowledged me? I'm beginning to like you guys. Ok, let's get going. Ready, begin," he said.

They all scattered into many directions. Ko hid high in a tree while everyone else was in the bushes except for Naruto; he was in the open. Ko watched as Naruto tried to fight Kakashi but didn't land a hit because of his reckless actions.

"So they all don't realize that this is about teamwork. Father told me exactly what this test was for. I have to pretend not to understand either and attack Kakashi blindly just like the others. It'll be a waste of time trying to get them to work together. Sasuke is a lone wolf, Sakura doesn't want anything to do with me, and Naruto...well he's Naruto. He thinks he can do everything by himself."

Ko noticed that Kakashi pulled out a book. When she looked at it long enough, she knew what it was.

"What a perv, now I know where he got the bell test from, Jiraiya."

When it looked like Kakashi put his guard down while lecturing Naruto, Sasuke took this opportunity to throw shuriken at him. It hit his side revealing it was only a substitution. Sasuke realized his mistake and ran to a new location. Kakashi disappeared and Sakura's scream filled the air. Ko ran towards the scream seeing Sakura on the ground unconscious. She sensed someone behind her and jumped out of the tree and onto the ground.

Kakashi followed in suit landing in front of her. Ko was tempted to use her Kekkei genkai against Kakashi but she knew she had to lose this fight. She ran towards him then jumped in the air trying to punch him as she came down but he easily blocked her attack by grabbing her hand. She maneuvered her body so she went in-between his arm and head. She had her other arm come down and hit Kakashi in the face. Obviously it was only a clone but Ko acted as if she didn't know.

"Crap," she clenched her teeth in frustration.

Kakashi came up from behind her punching her in the back. Ko took a few steps forward then deflected a kick from Kakashi. Out of nowhere a rope shot out from the bushes wrapping around her causing her to gasp in surprise. Another one of Kakashi's clones came out from the bushes then disappeared.

"Now to put you with Naruto." Kakashi said picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder.

He carried her over to the three posts to tie her up to one then disappeared.

"He got you too?" Naruto grumbled.

"Yeah, had a clone do it while I was down."

Shortly the timer rang which brought Sasuke and Sakura to the posts. They sat down next to Naruto and Kakashi stood in front of them.

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