My story

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So right now, I am literally sitting on my couch wringing this. Lol. It's kinda weird what I've been through but I want to really share my life story starting from a very important point in my life. Right now I'm 12 years old and in October I'll turn 13. Of course, when you read this, it will probably not be 2016 anymore.

My life is very complicated. My parents are divorced, so I have two houses, and I move back and forth from them every week. It's kinda stressful. I am a girl, so it's even more stressful, especially with my mood swings every month. (I'm not emo, so don't worry 😹) I like things that most girls don't like, like Videogames and other various things like that. I don't have a lot of friends that are girls as much as friends that are boys. A lot of people tease me and call me a d**e (or a lesbian) , which I'm not, because I have a boyfriend. I really don't want to get very deep in the beginning, so I won't say anymore.

I hope that you enjoy reading about my life story and I hope if you are reading this and going through similar things, you are not alone.

If you want a friend to talk to, you can contact my email:

Thank you and I hope you enjoy!
Chapter one: 2014

Me- "omg I can't wait to see what classes we get into"
(my best friend back then)- "ikr I wish we get into the same class"
Me- "me too"

So fifth grade was a really big hit at our school. We got to go to a camp at the end of the year, and in our gifted class, we got to take really fun field trips. So, obviously, we wanted to be in the class with our friends. This was also the first year we would start switching classes and have a schedule. We were all kind of excited I guess.
Me, my sister, and my mom walk up to the school. There are fliers that show what class you are in. So almost everyone wanted one specific teacher, Mrs. Cordero. There were also two other teachers, Mr. Shadow, and Mr. Stearnes. As we were looking around, we finally found my name. And guess what? I got into Mrs. Cordero's class! I was worryingly looking for my best friends name, Reece. I couldn't find it. Oh no i thought to myself. I feel a light tap on my back. It was Reece.

"I didn't get into the same class as you," she says
"I know, but at least we will see each other in the halls and at recess," I say.
"Yeah, but it won't be the same," she says.
"Yeah," I say back.
One of my other friends, Simon, who also lives across the street from me, yells, "HEY SELAH! GUESS WHAT? WE ARE IN THE SAME CLASS!" "I know stupid," I say rolling my eyes and laughing. I knew most of the people in my class, since our school was so tiny. There were still a couple of people I didn't really know that well.
Chapter two

Let's skip to the first day of school. I was kinda nervous, of course since it was the first day and all. I walk to the front doors, and waiting there was Simon and another friend who lives down the street, named Allison, or Ally for short. Ally got into another class from us so she left after we said hi. Me and Simon walked nervously down to Mrs. Cordero's room, down at the end of the hall.
We walk in and the teacher greets us and tells us to pick seats. I pick a seat where I see kinda the "cool kids" group, because I hung out with those people. It's kinda weird to call myself one of the "cool kids", but it was true. Okay okay back to the story. So I sit down and they say hi and ask me how my summer was.
"Did you meet any cute boys??," one of my friends asks.
"Nah, they all looked like burnt pickles," I say laughing.
"Or were there pickles just burnt?," she says back with a sly smile.
"EW NO," I yell back laughing.
We both laugh, and soon the whole table does.
Chapter three

So the middle of school was kinda boring so I won't make you guys read all of that because I would just be dragging the story along.
So now, in the very beginning of the third semester, I'm familiar with the rules and my schedule and things like that. I was sitting in science class watching a video about atoms and one of the other students, a short guy named Colin, whispers to me, "Hey, I don't think we've actually ever talked. I'm Colin, but I'm sure you already knew that."
"Hey I'm Selah," I whisper back.
"I know you are into Videogames and those sorta things right?" he says.
"Yeah," I whisper back.
"We'll do you have an Xbox?," he says.
"Yeah I just got one," I say back.
"Cool, can I have your username?" He asks like he's trying to flirt with me.
"Okay," I say.
So I tell him my username and we are heading back to home room. Colin introduces me to one of his other friends in our class named Kemit. We talk at lunch and recess that day since we have really nothing else to do. So we get closer and closer each week and at this point we are all like best friends. They introduce me to one of there other friends in another class named Alex. So we get really close too. So at this point I've kinda moved on from Reece, who did I mention, bullied me online in third grade? But I'm not going on to that topic.
Chapter four

So it's around the middle of the fourth quarter. The weird part of the school year. To be honest, this is the part of the year when people confess to their crushes that they like them. So one day during lunch,  Kemit walks up to me and tells me that Colin likes me.
(Note: we didn't have a cafeteria because our school was so small so we ate in our classrooms)
"Okaaaay," I saw awkwardly.
"Yeah, I just wanted to tell you," he says.
"And he wanted me to ask you if you would "go out" with him," he says while sounding sarcastic about saying "go out".
"I mean, I'm sorry but I don't like him back that way. I'm sorry," I say kind of sadly.
"Okay I'll tell him," he says.
"Oh and don't tell him I said this, but he says he likes your butt," he says while laughing.
"UM OKAY," I say awkwardly while trying to get him to stop talking about this subject.
So I come home to my mom's house and after dinner I go lay in my bed just stressing about if he'll still be my friend even after I rejected him.
I go to sleep early so I won't have to ponder that question anymore.
Chapter five

So today was the day that we had to start signing papers for fifth grade camp, which was on the last week of school. I was at my dads house this week. I went to a after school care thing, so he picked me up around 6. When he walked in the door I rushed over and showed him the paper and yelled "HEY WE JUST GOT OUR FIFTH GRADE CAMP FORMS! CAN I GO? ITS ONLY $300!"
"Um, I don't know if we can spend all that money just for a camp sweetheart," he says back.
"But this is fifth grade camp we are talking about here dad!!" I say.
"I know sweetheart," he says while walking out the door with me and my sister "but life is not fair. We all don't get things we want sometimes."
I start to cry.
"But what if my mom payed?" I asked while crying.
"I still don't know if you can go," he says.
I silently cry the whole way back to our apartment. (Note: at my dad's house, we are kind of poor. He doesn't like spending money, unlike my stepmom.)
Chapter six
Right now I am taking a break from writing and will keep writing tomorrow.

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