The Nobodies

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Chapter 10 – The Nobodies

Jessie hadn’t gone with Marilyn…well, not straight away. She went home first, wanting to talk to her brother. Well, she’d found her brother…chatting with Chris. She remembered their brief conversation as she pulled into Marilyn’s driveway.


Jessie walked through the door. “Rick!” she called frantically. “I need to talk to you…” she went quiet as she rounded the corner into the living room and saw Chris sitting on the couch with her brother and his boyfriend, Troy.

He smiled brightly. “Hey gorgeous!”

Jessie smiled back. “Hey…” her smile faltered as she looked at her brother. “Um, can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure.” Rick grinned at her and stood. “Keep each other company for a minute. Chris! Tell troy a scary story!” Chris chuckled and shrugged as Jessie and her brother made their way into the kitchen. Rick sat and motioned for her to speak. “So…what’s up?”

“Well…” Jessie bit her lower lip as she considered how to begin.

“Is it a guy? Is it a girl?” Rick questioned, one mocking eyebrow raised, playfully teasing her. “You’re not…” he frowned for a moment. “You’re not pregnant are you?”

“Which shall I answer first?” Jessie narrowed her eyes slightly.

“Alright, alright.” Rick chuckled. “Shoot…what’s going on?”

“Remember when you reminded me that I should be who I wanna be with and fuck anyone who says otherwise?” Jessie looked at the floor uncomfortably.

“Yes…” Rick’s voice became serious. “You’re still in love with Marilyn, aren’t you?” Jessie looked up, shocked. “I’ve been waiting for you to realise that for ages…” he paused. “Question is…do you still love Chris?”

“I care deeply for him…” Jessie answered honestly. “I just…”

“You’re not in love with him. I get it.” Her brother shrugged. “Just…” he sighed. “Whatever you’re doing, do it soon…”

“Okay…” she hugged her brother. “Thanks…”

“What’s up?” Jessie froze as Chris spoke.

“Jessie is…” Rick raised an eyebrow at her.

“Going to go and see Manson.” She shrugged. “He wants to talk, and I’m willing to listen…I want that explanation.” Jessie looked up at Chris worriedly. “Okay?”

He half smiled at her. “Do what you gotta do.”

Jessie felt bad and relieved all at once as she’d walked out the door and hadn’t looked back.

~End flashback~

Jessie smiled as Marilyn opened the door and swept her into a warm hug. “Hey…” she smirked as he hugged her tighter.

“It’s good to have you back here.” He smiled brightly as they pulled apart and he lead her inside. “So, where shall I begin?”

Jessie smiled a little, looking around. Her eyes widened when her gaze fell upon a particular painting. “That…” she pointed at the painting and moved towards it. “I’ve seen that…when I was…” ‘Unconscious…’ her mind finished for her.

Marilyn smiled. “My old friend gave me that… when she stayed with me for her-”

“For her eighteenth birthday…” Jessie finished and he looked at her peculiarly.

“Yeah…” he touched the frame that had the painting. “This has remained dear to me ever since.” He moved away and knelt beside a set of drawers and, opening the bottom drawer, pulled out two old shoeboxes. “These were songs she was working on before she died,” he opened the first box and pushed it gingerly towards Jessie as she knelt beside him, watching curiously as she looked through the contents. “And these…” he smiled a little. “Are the only pictures I have of her…”

Jessie took the photos he handed her, looking through them curiously. They were obviously old… and there was odd handwriting on the back with dates. The first was a photo of the Jessie Marilyn had known in high school…a dead-ringer for Jessie now. The second was of the girl blowing out candles on a cake.

Jessie frowned a little. “That was her eighteenth…” she looked up as Marilyn spoke. “That was a good night.” He smiled.

Jessie smirked a little. “Especially for her first time…”

Marilyn shook his head. “I don’t know how you know that…but I suppose it doesn’t matter that much.”

Jessie returned her attention to the photos. The third photo was of a young Marilyn holding his girlfriend as she rested her head on his shoulder, both seemingly unaware that they’d been photographed.

Jessie looked up again as Marilyn handed her an old, school photo. “This is you?” she smirked up at him slyly.

“Yeah,” he smile sheepishly, but sobered. “When we were the nobodies…”

“You were never a nobody…” Jessie smiled sweetly.

“Really?” Marilyn asked as he scooted a little closer to her, his voice a little rough. “What was I then?”

“What you’ve always been.” Jessie leant a little closer to Marilyn as well as she whispered, “Extraordinary…”

And with that, Marilyn’s lips met her own in a sweet, tender kiss that could’ve lasted a lifetime.


Do comment and vote my lovelies!!

Much love to you all!


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