Chapter 2: Past

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Chapter 2: Past

After Pein's attack on Konohagakure, the village was left in ruins. The civilians did all they could to save the remaining of their belongings before they were evacuated while the ninjas of the village helped in cleaning the place up.

As Uzumaki Aida, together with the other medical ninjas of the village, healed the injured ninjas and civilians, her eyes glowed white and she screamed. It was all so sudden that even the other medics panicked at the sight of their comrade.

As soon as Aida's eyes started glowing, she saw a girl with tan skin and a thick blue coat which had white fur on the rims of the hood. She had a worried look on her face while her mouth moved as if she was talking. Despite the movement, Aida could not hear a thing. After a few more seconds, she blacked out.


In another realm, at the Southern Water Tribe, a young girl at the age of fourteen and her brother who was sixteen, found a boy in an iceberg. He had the most unusual clothes which had not been seen for the last hundred years. His body was full of arrow tattoos. The siblings knew this boy was an airbender, but they had no idea that he was a special one.


Back in Konohagakure, a pink haired girl watched over her friend who had just collapsed while they were healing the people from their village. She did not have any idea what to do. Her friend's brother was out helping the other citizens of the village. How would he react when he returns and sees his sister in this state?

The girl's train of thought was cut off by a groan from the person in front of her.

"A-Aang," the girl mumbled as she shifted before her eyes shot open. She sat up which caused her eyes to blur.

"Easy, Aida. You wouldn't want to faint again, would you?" the pink haired girl said as she supported her friend.

"Sorry Sakura. Can you tell me what happened?" Aida asked which made Sakura more worried.

"You don't remember anything, Aida?" Sakura asked. Aida simply shook her head which led to Sakura explaining how Aida collapsed after her eyes glowed. "Do you know about a condition or something that could have led to you collapsing? Your vitals seemed to be normal when I checked it."

"Not that I know of," Aida mumbled as she looked down. "Will I be okay?"

"You should be since you woke up. Just rest and drink lots of water. We'll handle the rest of the healing," Sakura responded before leaving to attend to the other patients.

"What happened to you?! Kiba came looking for me saying you looked like you were possessed by a ghost!" a boy with messy blond hair and whisker marks on his face said as he entered the tent her sister was in. "Sakura-chan is she going to be okay?!"

"Calm down Naruto," Sakura said as she rolled her eyes at the said boy's worried state. "Aida can handle herself and everything in her body seems to be fine. I will look more into it," the pink haired girl said before she made her way out of the tent.

"Hey Naru-chan," Aida said with a small smile on her face. "I'm sorry Kiba pulled you out of your duties. I already told them I didn't want you worrying. Everyone knows you go crazy whenever something happens to me," she added with a small laugh.

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