Chapter 5: Trust

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Chapter 5: Trust

"So, let me get this straight; your sister, whose bones we saw at your place, was reincarnated by the spirits into another dimension to save the Avatar spirit but is now older than you for some reason and you don't even do anything to question it?" Sokka exclaimed despite his subject in question being right before him.

Everyone gathered around a campfire eating the food their visitors brought from their home as well as a few fruits they've found around the area.

"I don't see why that's not possible, Sokka. You've seen how the spirits work," Aang said with a shrug.

"And I've checked if they were lying or not," Toph confirmed.

Aida, Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke simply watched the exchange between the children before them. They knew that this Sokka guy had a point. During dangerous times, it is hard to find someone to trust.

"Toph, you couldn't even tell if Azula was lying. They could be just like her! And how would she know about Yue? Didn't you even question that?" Sokka pressed on as he paced back and forth, not even seeing the worried glances he got from his girlfriend.

"If it's so hard for you to trust us, we could simply leave. It was someone from your world who called for us, not the other way around," Sasuke interrupted, making Aang jump up from his seat and run to Aida.

"No one is leaving!" he said in panic as he looked at Aida with pleading eyes. "You just got here."

The other members of Team 7 looked like they agreed with each other. It was no use staying if they weren't wanted. Even Naruto started to be skeptical about staying in the unknown world especially with the lack of unity in this team.

"Even if you don't trust them Sokka, I do. I can trust them more than I can trust a banished prince who could turn us in any time," Katara suddenly spoke out as she glared at the said prince before exiting the group.

Aida let out a sigh and stood up.

"I'll go talk to her," she volunteered.

"You are not going anywhere near my sister," Sokka exclaimed as his hand went for his sword.

Aida didn't even pay attention to the male as she suddenly disappeared from thin air, shocking everyone else besides the shinobi.

"Well... We can't leave without Ai-chan. Might as well eat to our hearts content, right?" Naruto said with a grin as he slurped away with his food.

"H-How... Just... Here..." Sokka simply stuttered as he pointed at where the girl initially stood.

"We can move at speeds much different from yours. Your way of controlling chakra has a similar way with ours, but we've learned to utilize it in more ways than simply controlling the elements. It's all about control and materialization," Sakura explained as she took a seat next to her teammate. "For example, by manipulating our chakra to our feet, we are able to walk on any flat surface. This would include walls and tree trunks. This also allows us to walk on water."

"How do you still remember that, Sakura-chan?" Naruto asks the pink-haired girl.

"Unlike you, some of us actually know what we're doing when we're in the middle of a battle, dobe," Sasuke simply replied, not even sparing his best friend a glance.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean, teme?" Naruto asked as he tried to threaten Sasuke.


Katara continued moving forward, not even sparing a glance at the girl who was calling out to her from behind. Realizing that she wouldn't get through the Water tribe girl's head, Aida decided to materialize before her instead, surprising the younger one.

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