Chapter 7: Revenge

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Chapter 7: Revenge

The next day, Aang was surprised to see his sister with his team and Zuko all sleeping on the grass surrounding the campfire they all sat at the night before. They looked exhausted, as if they spent the whole night up instead of resting. He felt himself smile as he still saw tidbits of the old Aida in this reincarnation as she was curled up into a fetal position near Naruto while Naruto had an arm around her.

Slowly, he approached Zuko, gently tapping on his shoulder to wake the young prince.

With a groan, Zuko rubbed at his eyes, suddenly noticing the monk,

"Wakey wakey Zuko," Aang said with a grin. "What did you guys do all night to get you this tired?"

"Aida had a bit of rice wine," Zuko mumbled before standing up and dusting the grass from his clothes. "Is Katara up yet?"

"I'm not sure. She hasn't come out from her tent," Aang said.

Zuko simply nodded and made his way to sit on a rock near Katara's tent.

Aang sighed, still remembering the awkwardness from last night after Katara's outburst. It must be weird to welcome new people in the team like this.

He made his way to his sister, gently tapping on her shoulder just like how he had with Zuko.

Aida grunted before her eyes slowly opened, looking up to Aang with a small smile.

"Good morning Aida," he greeted with a grin as he sat in front of the girl.

"Good morning Aang," Aida greeted back as she removed Naruto's arms from around her to sit up. "What time is it?"

"The sun rose about an hour ago," Aang said as he sat in front of Aida. "Do you have a way to tell the time back where you came from?"

Aida nodded as she suddenly realized the technological differences between the worlds. It would take some time getting used to, especially since they would be there until they defeat the Fire Lord.

"We have these things called clocks which have numbers on them. But it doesn't say when the sun will rise or set. It just really divides the days into 24 hours instead of just day and night," Aida explained.

"Your world sounds really different," Aang said with a small frown. "Will you go back there after everything?"

Aida wasn't sure how to answer that. She just recently found out about a brother from another life. Could she really leave her life for one from the past?

"I'm not sure how to answer that Aang. How about we just focus on the present, okay? We'll cross that bridge when we get there," Aida said as she patted Aang's head.

"Can I ask another question?" Aang asked again. Having played around and trained with Aida the past days had piled the questions to this moment where there were only the two of them.

"Aren't you already doing that?" Aida teased with a smirk as she pulled Aang into a hug. "What is it, little brother?"

"Why did it take you this long to come back? It's almost been a year since I was in that block of ice," Aang asked, his tone laced with sadness.

Aida let out a sigh. "I don't know, to be honest. It all has something to do with the spirits. I've seen a lot that has happened through your eyes and I had no idea it was happening in real life," she said as she hugged the young monk tighter. "We were also in a war back in our world. I guess that's also something that stopped the spirits from taking me so suddenly. It was also the land they've sent me to after my death, after all. It was my way of saying thanks for letting me live."

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