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After Sculpture, Harry walked with me to my next class even though his next destination was across the campus. We were walking slowly in a comfortable silence. It was nice. My mind was wandering. I didn't know I was daydreaming until Harry stopped in front of me, blocking me from walking.

"So, can I have your number? Ya know, strictly for educational purposes." He smirks.

"Ha, if you want someone to help you with your education, better ask someone else."

"Fine, I fibbed. I want your number because you're pretty and I want to talk to you more." He smiled, batting his lashes. Gosh, he's beautiful.

"I don't think I wanna give my number to a fibber." I smile.

Wait, am I flirting? What the fuck? I didn't know I could flirt. Maybe I should walk away before something tragically embarrassing happens.

He gets too close to my face, waiting for an answer. I hate when people get in my personal space. I take a few baby steps backwards and put my hand out. He understands the gesture and places his phone in it. The bell rings, but it doesn't matter to me. My next class is P.E. I type my number in his contacts and hand his phone back to him.

He smiled "Thanks, love."

I muttered a "You're welcome" as I walked away towards my next class.

The rest of the day went by quickly. All I could think of in every class was home. What am I gonna do? I have an assload of homework to do and no doubt my mom is in a bitchy mood from her hungover. And I'm not even sure if Jeremy went to school.

The final bell rang and I frowned. Ugh, I hope she's asleep.

I start walking, slower than I should, and my adorable new frie-- I mean, the new kid... Is, once again, walking side by side with me.

His smile beams. "Can I walk you home?"

"You hardly know me, dude." I really don't want him to know where I live. I don't want any unexpected visits and he seems exactly the type of boy who would do that.

His optimistic smile falters for a moment, but he soon recovers. "That's the point, though. I want to get to know you better."

"It's okay. I live just up the street. I don't need company."

He smiles. "I insist."

"Harry, seriously. I'd really rather you didn't. I barely know you. I just met you today. I really don't want you to know where I fucking live!"

He looks shocked, almost hurt. And I almost feel bad. But he doesn't know me! He should have listened to me when I told him no the first time!

"Okay." He says in a voice almost like a whisper.

I quickly turn around to start walking home, but I mistakingly look back at the disappointed boy. Fuck. He looks sad. Why do I feel bad? He's the asshole!

No he's not. I am.

I sigh.. Then walk back to him.

Looking at the pavement, I mutter "Harry, will you please walk me home?"

He had a grin from ear to ear and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Of course, Ashley!" He said in a high pitched voice.

I chuckled and we started walking.

"What's your favorite color?" He asked me.

"I don't have one."

He looks at me doubtfully.

"Alriiiiiight, what's your favorite number?"

I laugh, "I don't have one."

He dramatically stares at me with his jaw on the floor as if not having a favorite number is unheard of.

"Fine, but you have to have a favorite singer."

I do. I have a lot of favorite singers. And there's far too many to pick from.

"I like pretty much all music, except for country and scream-o."

He laughs way too hard. "That's offensive! I'm in a heavy metal band!"

I'm not sure if he's joking, but he has to be. So I just giggle.

"I'm kidding, I'm not in a heavy metal band. But the look on your face was priceless." He chuckles.

"Alright, my house is right here. So, I'll see you tomorrow."

"You gave me your number, so you'll be hearing from me sooner than that!"

I sarcastically roll my eyes.

"Bye Ashley." He smiles.

"Bye Harry."

As I walk to the front door, I realize that the new kid at school is my only friend. God, I'm lame.

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