I Knew You Were Trouble

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When I woke up, Harry's arm was tightly holding me to him. My back was set firmly against his chest. And I can still feel the soft kisses his lips left on my neck last night. He listened to me cry and complain. And without judgement. He actually seemed like he cared.. Do I want that? I don't even know his story yet. There are so many unexplained things about him, and I'm not sure I'm ready to learn those things, to get closer to him. I've already invested too many feelings into this boy. It makes me want to vomit when I realize that there's the possibility he will leave.

I want to get away from these thoughts, I really do. I unwrap his arm from my body. Thank God there's no school today. I get up groggily to brush my teeth. When I walk back into my room, Harry's awake and sitting up. His eyes still have that sleepy look in them and he smiles lazily at me.

"Good morning my Ashley doll." He says in a deep, croaky, morning voice. His greeting makes me melt inside, but I manage to keep it together and return the "good morning" with a smile.

"I could get used to waking up next to you every morning." He winks at me.

I roll my eyes and he laughs.

"Listen Harry, about yesterday.. Thanks for like, um, listening and stuff. That was nice." I rush the words out of my mouth.

He smiles and shrugs. "It was nice for me too. I like getting to know you, but you're so closed off most of the time." He gets quieter.

"I know I'm not, but that's because I don't know how to put things into words.. But you.. You're closed off too." I shake my finger at him.

"Am not." He says sardonically, with his mouth gaping open.

I shake my head and laugh lightly. "You are though. I hardly know anything about you."

"Well then, ask me stuff!"

"Okay... Where do you get all your money from?"

He stiffens at the question, but recovers by straightening his posture slightly. "My dad had a lot of money."

"Oh, what does he do?"

His face is in a frown and I can tell he doesn't want to answer the question. I immediately regret asking. "He owned a lot of businesses."

I take the hint and note not to ask about his dad. I remember him saying that his father killed his mother, but I don't want to ask about it. I'm actually trying to forget he said it. It disturbs me..

"Who was your first love?" I ask, trying to shift the mood.

He looks down and smirks. "I don't think I've ever loved a girl, other than in my family of course."

"No girlfriends?" I raise my eyebrow.

"None that I fell in love with."

"Who was your last girlfriend?"

"Her name was Taylor. She was a floozie." He laughs at his own inside joke.

"Oh? How so?"

"She'd date every guy that would say hello to her, and then when she'd get upset with them, she'd write a song about them and post it on YouTube." He says trying to suppress a smile.

I can't help but laugh. Sounds like a psycho. "Did she write a song about you?"

"Yes, yes she did." He laughs and widens his eyes while shaking his head.

I immediately pull out my phone. "What's it called?"

His smile is beaming, "No way, Ashley!"

"Harry, seriously please. This will make my entire life." I beg him.

He sighs, "Okay, keep in mind she's crazy."

I nod my head excitedly.

He sighs again, "Okay, type in 'I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In' by Taylor Swift."

I laughed the entire time lolz srsly tho guys I'm stuck on what I want to happen next. Help me out !! Comment and vote ily :)) xx

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