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The next morning I woke up with my alarm screeching louder than ever. I don't know what time I went to sleep, but it wasn't practical for a school night. I woke up about twenty minutes earlier so I could take a quick shower. Normally, I would just hit snooze, but I have... company over. And I also need to make sure Jeremy goes to school today.

I slug over to the living room to wake Harry.

"Harry, wake up. Its six thirty. I'm gonna go take a shower." I grumble.

He ignores me and covers his face ups with the blanket. Fuck it. I'm not about to waste my time.

I look into my moms room to see if she's home; she's not. Whatever. There's no point in waking Jer up yet, so I jump in the shower.

The hot water massages my entire body and the steam seems to air out my thoughts. My stress is literally washing away. The water turns cold all too soon, and I have to leave my sanctuary. I wrap the towel around me a quick as possible and jet from the bathroom directly into my room. I dry my hair with a towel for a minute, and then give up. It's gonna turn into a from I'd I don't blow dry it. First, I get dressed in skinny jeans and a regular black long sleeved shirt. I don't bother with any make up. I already took too much time getting dressed. It's about seven already and I decide I should go wake Jeremy up.

I look in his room, and he's not there. I panic a little bit, but continue searching for him in the house. He's not in mom's room. He's not in the bathroom. I run to the living room. He's not in the living room or kitchen! And neither is Harry! What the fuck??!

At this point, my morbid imagination takes over. The somewhat stranger I let crash on my couch has taken my brother. Oh god. Oh my fucking god. Do I call the cops? What do I tell them? What if they ask to speak to my mom? I'm freaking out!

"Fuck!" I yell.

The front door opens to reveal a tall, curly haired boy, and an all too energetic Jeremy.

Harry looks at me apologetically.

"Sorry, you were in the shower and he wanted to come with me to go get breakfast. Are you--"

"You scared the shit out of me Harry! You could've knocked on the door and asked me! You don't just take my little brother in your car without asking me!"

I shift my attention towards Jeremy.

"And Jeremy! You don't just leave without permission! What makes you think you can do that?!"

"I thought since he was your boyfriend, it was okay."

"He's not my boyfriend and even then, Jer, you have to ask me first. No matter who it is."

Harry's silent the whole time. He probably knows how pissed off I am. He's wearing a grey long sleeve shirt with a white layer of clothing under it. Most of his hair is tucked away in a beanie, but a few rebellious curls managed to escape. He looks utterly adorable.

"Donuts?" He offers me with an innocent, fully-dimpled smile.

I take a maple one hesitantly and he smiles. "I like maple too."

"Yeah, it's a popular flavor." I roll my eyes.

"Please don't be mad. I'm sorry. You're right, I should've asked first." He says to me with genuine sincerity.

"It's okay. Sorry I freaked on you."

He just smiled and shrugged.

Jer walks into the room.

"Can I have another donut? Please?" He asks Harry.

"It's cool with me, but I think you should ask your sister first." He looks at me warily.

"They're your donuts. Pass them out however you like, Harry."

Jeremy ignores or banter and grabs another donut.

"Okay Jeremy, now go to school."

"Okay. See you guys after school! Bye!" He leaves quickly munching away at his donut.

"We should go to school too."

"Right, right. Wouldn't want another detention?" He grins at me.

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