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I walk in to see my little brother watching t.v.

Little shit didn't go to school.

I threw my backpack on the floor to go look in the fridge. All that's in there is ranch and nasty looking lettuce. I feel sad at the lack of food in the fridge so I storm through the house looking for my mother so I can demand that she buy food for us.

I've looked through each room like three times and I still can't find her.

"Jeremy, where's mom?"

"She went to her friends house."

Ugh. Whatever, I'll just start my homework.

Times like these are times I wish I would have made some friends so they could just send me pictures of the homework.

It's almost 6:00 by the time I finish my homework. Gaaaaahh, I'm hungry.

Fuck yes! I just remember I hid Oreos in my closet! I share some with Jeremy and then go back into my room.

I decide to go on wattpad since there's nothing else to do.

I unlock my phone and see that I have a message from an unknown number.

"Hiiiiiii Ashley. Are you busy?:)" sent eight minutes ago.

I reply, "No, not really. I just finished my hw. Why?"

I set my phone down, but as soon as I start to walk away, it buzzes.

"I'll be at your house in twenty minutes. We're going to get Taco Bell. Be ready!:) xx"

I smile at the message. This kid is crazy. He's only just met me, and he wants me to get into the car with him. The sensible, reasonable thing to do would be to reply "no" and then avoid him for as long as humanly possible.

Usually overly-happy people annoy me, but Harry seems like he's down to earth.

After about ten minutes of over thinking, I reply with "ok cya in a few".

I decide to go check on Jeremy. He's dead asleep on the couch. I cover him up with a blanket. I feel bad for him. This really isn't much of a childhood. Before I get too wrapped up in negative thoughts, I wash my face and brush my teeth. I soon hear a honk outside. Damn, that boys obnoxious. Good thing he's cute.

I open the front door and I immediately spot his dimpled smile from my front porch. He waves and I just half smile while walking towards him. His smile grows as I climb into the passenger seat of his cute, little, red truck.

"Why hello there!"

"Hey.. Uh, what's up..?"

He laughs at my awkwardness, which of course only makes me feel more uncomfortable.

"The sky. Hahahahahahahahaha."
He sat there laughing at his own joke for a good ten minutes.

I stared at him with a blank face, waiting for him to finish hysterically giggling, but eventually I can't help but join him. I can't believe I'm laughing at this stupid joke.

After he regained his self-control, he started driving.

We talked about school for a little bit, but then it got silent. Too silent.

"Soooooo, if you have a truck, why did you walk to school?"

"I didn't; I drove."

"You walked home with me though."

"Yeah, and then I walked back to the school to drive home." He smiles.

"Why didn't you just drive home?"

"Well, I wanted to spend a few minutes with you after school. And I didn't think you would take a ride from me, so I just walked with you. Haha, it bought us more time together anyway. Plus, now I know where you live." He says in a poor attempt to sound like a vampire.

I can't help but laugh at his imitation. He makes the dumbest jokes, why am I always laughing at them?

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