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          Sweat pours down Venus's face as her breath gets knocked out of her, yet again. She grunts as she is thrown through another hoop and almost looses balance.


"Faster! Keep your core grounded!... Use your legs more..." Nat shouts at her as she blocks another punch. "Keep all eyes open... always be aware of your surroundings, but whatever you do don't get distracted."

Venus takes mental notes as she continues to attack her friend.

She is beyond pissed. It has been three weeks since Hydra had taken her family. She feels like she could spiral into madness at any moment. She is worried sick. She wanted to lock herself in her room and break down but wallowing in those feeling wouldn't help anybody. They would just slow her down. She needs to be as hard and strong as stone if she wants any hope to saving her family. So she does what any normal person to do and bottles her sadness.

On the bright side she really is enjoying living with the Avengers. They are all very welcoming and help her in their own ways. She has become fast friends with Natasha and really enjoys pretend flirting and bickering with Pietro. She loves trading sarcastic comments with Sam and Clint and practicing her magic with Wanda and Viz. Sitting and sipping morning coffee with Steve became a calming morning ritual and she really clicked with Tony. She feels like she could trust him with anything.

Bucky is a different story. It isn't like the two of them don't get along, quite the opposite. Although he doesn't talk much, she loves it when he does and she feels like dancing when she manages to get him to laugh. Thinking about him made her smile and seeing him instantly energizes her. She isn't stupid. She knows what that means; she's interested. Though, she would sooner claw out her eyes out before she ever admits it to anyone.

Besides, she doesn't have time for that. How could she let herself think about a guy? When her family is probably being tortured, if they weren't dead already.

In her peripheral vision she notices Bucky lifting a dead weight like he's lifting a stack of papers. Biceps bulging and back muscles defining as they strained under a dark grey, cotton tank top.

The world goes sideways as her legs were kicked from underneath her, She focuses back on Nat as she helps her up.

"You got distracted," Nat points out. "I think you're ready for something different." Venus watches a look of mischief in Nat's eyes, but it's gone in an instant. Nat cups her hands around her mouth. "Barnes! Can you lend a hand over here?"

"What? Nat," Venus whispers frantically.

"What," She asks, with a perfect look of innocence on her face.

Venus watches as Bucky puts the workout equipment away. Her heart stutters as her chest gets tight.

"I don't think I can do this."

"Relax Vee. you'll do fine. Your hand to hand has really improved."

"That's not what I mean."

"Don't worry he won't hurt you too bad."

"No, but that's not -"

"Hey Barnes," Nat interrupted and Venus about swallows her tongue, when she looks up to find Bucky standing beside them. She grins at him as she digs her thumb nail into her palm to snuff out her feelings.

He cocked his head slightly in an adorable look of confusion, as he looks at the two girls.

"What's up gals," he asks.

The Tangled Vines (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now