Everything Is Upside Down

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 "You can't just bring random people to this place."

"I couldn't just leave her on the street. She seemed sick."

"She was drugged. We have no idea who she's with and I've seen signs of the same super serum in her blood, that's running through you."

Venusia opens her eyes to see that she is lying on a bed, in a white room. There were machines everywhere and she was hooked up to a monitor and IV. There was a large window on the right wall, looking out to see what seemed to be a vast forest. That reassures her for a minute, until she realizes that two men and a woman argue in the corner of the room.

One of the men looks over and realizes that she is awake. He swiftly moves to the right side of her bed. He had sunglasses perched on top of his head and his intelligent brown eyes look down at her. His hand reaches out, but Venusia panics and a branch crashes through the window, grabbing the man and letting him hang upside down. His sunglasses clatter to the floor. Startled, the other two lung forward. The other man stretches a tanned hand out to restrain her but she commands the fern in the corner of the room to come to life. It wraps one branch around the man's throat and another wraps around the woman's legs making her fall to the floor.

"What did I tell you," the brown eyed man mumbled.

The woman had short, bright red hair and was clad in black work out pants and a fitted black tank top. She was gorgeous, with green eyes almost as bright as Venusia's own.

The second man is what catches her attention the most. He has long brown hair that hangs in front of his face and a dangerous looking metal left arm. It reaches up and breaks the branch around his neck.

He leans down and looks into her face. Venusia recognizes the blue eyes that she saw before. He opens his mouth to say something but she interrupts him.

"Why are you after me? How did you know about me? Where is my family," she shouts.

"Calm down," the man said gently.

"Yeah, Flower Power, you ran into Tinman here and he helped you out," the upside down man shouted.

The woman stands up swiftly, having untangled herself and rests her hand over her gun holster.

"You aren't Hydra," Venusia asks. The three shared a meaningful look.

"Hydra is after you," the woman asks. She looks at the man next to the bed. "You don't recognize her?" He shakes his head no.

"Then who are you guys," Venusia asks.

"Does Avengers ring any bells," the upside down man says exasperated.

"Oh... Oh, wow," Venusia gasps finally realizing where she is.

"Natasha Romanoff."


Venusia smiles at both of them, but then finds herself trapped in Bucky's eyes. "Um uh..." Her voice is lost in her throat as she drowns in his gaze. He smirks, because he can see right through her. She blushes and snaps out of it. "V-Venusia, but everyone calls me Venus," she manages to stutter out.

"Tony Stark. Now can you put me down," the other man asks annoyed.

"Oh, right." Venus says and unthinking uncoils the branch.

"Wait!" Tony shouts but it's too late and he falls, landing on his back. "Ouch."

"I'm so sorry." she says frantically. He lets out a groan and Natasha starts laughing uncontrollably. She comes up and pats Venus on her shoulder.

"I think you're gonna fit in here. We won't let Hydra catch you." She smiles so brightly it makes Venus crack a smile as well, but it soon falls.

"They said that they had my family. I need to find them. Will you take me to my parents' house? Will you help me?"

"It's not smart for you to be out in public right now," Tony says, picking up his sunglasses from the floor. "Two hundred dollar sunglasses, ruined," he mumbled.

"I have to. I have to find them!"

"Ok, calm down. We'll find them. Will you two go with her," Tony asks, looking at the other two and they both nod. "And take Maximoff with you, you might need a quick getaway."

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