Author speaking!
I just wanted to say thank you for one hundred reads! I really appreciate it! Love y'all Melter's. Any way bye!June's p.o.v
We went up to the roof top. I leaned over the edge. Seeing all the people small felt like I was in charge of what they do. Not like God, but like a queen and her peasants. I'm the queen and the people are peasants. I don't control life or their destiny, but they help me. Jace hovered over my shoulder looking down at the people like I was."You like the view to huh?" Jace asked. He smiled at the view. His blonde Mohawk moved in the wind. My hair moved the same direction as his. I nod.
"It's so.." Somehow I couldn't find the word to describe it. The sun was setting, the clouds were pink and a light orange and the light reflecting of the the skyscrapers windows was just so..
"Glamorous." Jace finished my sentence. We both took our eye's of the view and looked at each other in the eye's. His blue eye's sparkled in the light. He lifted his arm up and his thumb slowly went up then down my cheek. I inhaled and closed my eyes. He didn't speak a word, but somehow he was using the language of love without talking. I opened my eye's and zoomed back into reality.
"I wanted to ask you.." My voice was soft and small. He was listening, but paying attention to something else. Like he was in his own fantasy world. His thub was still on my cheek making me not speak, but I needed to ask him and now was the perfect time. I wrapped my fingers around his wrist and put slowly pulled his arm away from my face. My hand traveled from his wrist to his palm. My fingertips slowly drifted away from his palm. "Y'know how you call me blackberry? Well I'm getting tired of calling you babe. I want to call you something that isn't so classic. I want to call you something special. Something that represents something I love about you."
"Well, I don't know how going to choose one thing about me that you love. You love all my quality's." I chucked at what he said. He was British and loved the color red. He call's me blackberry, what goes with blackberry? I got it.
"How about raspberry?" I asked. It was kind of perfect. He loved the color red, he was from the UK and the main color is red. Raspberry goes with blackberry and red is the color of love. And he loves me and raspberries.
"I love the name. And it goes with blackberry." He said. And from there on, I would call him raspberry and he would still call me blackberry. The thing blackberry's and raspberries and me and Jace was we both go together.

Good Girl Gone Bad With The Bad Boy
RomanceJune is the the good girl. Good grades, kindness, helpful and caring. Jake is the bad boy. He's pretty much the exact opposite of June. Bad, rude, disrespectful. June finds out about him and tries to change him and make him good like her, but instea...